orthopedic implant | a device that has been put into the body in a medical operation that helps to move |
to restore | to return something to an earlier good condition |
to withstand | to be strong enough |
a fracture | a break |
to accumulate | to get more and more of something over a period of time |
a device | a contraption |
stress shielding | the reduction in bone density |
tissue | a group of connected cells |
artificial | not real |
friction | the fact that one thing rubs against another |
inflammation | an area of your body that is swollen, red and painful |
a byproduct | something that is made as a result of producing another product |
irritation | a painful feeling in a part of the body, often with red skin |
bioabsorbable materials | designed to be absorbed by the body |
to wear out | to make something ruin |
a girdle | a piece of underwear worn around the waist |
to bend | to fold |
a screw | a thin, pointed and threaded piece of metal used to join things together |
a rod | a bar |
a pin | a thin piece of metal |
a suture | a stitching |