The British Army | Field Marshal |
The United Nations | Secretary-General |
A TV programme | producer |
A group of workers | foreman |
A shop | manager |
A primary school | headmaster/headmistress |
A monastery | abbot |
A football team | captain |
A museum | curator |
A prison | warden/governor |
Servants (in a household) | butler |
A college | Principal |
A committee | chairperson |
A university | Vice-Chancellor |
A tennis match | umpire |
The governing party (in Britain) | Prime Minister |
A tribe | chief/chieftain |
A company | Managing Director |
A convent | Mother Superior |
An orchestra | leader/conductor |
An Old People's Home | warden |
A choir | choirleader |
A Republic | President |
A newspaper or magazine | editor |
A hospital | matron |