incorporate | włączać, przyłączać , wcielać |
lies on the road ahead | istnieją na drodze przed |
Incorporate | to include something, so that it forms a part of something (włączać, wcielać) |
Offering | to offer someone a something, gift ect. (proponować, oferować) |
Fray | a fight, a competition or an argument (walka, konkurencja) |
( launching | the act of beginning something new (uruchomienie, rozpoczęcie, zapoczątkowanie) |
(driverless car) kit | a set of (thing such as) tools or clothes, used for a particular purpose(cel)komplet, zestaw, sprzę |
retrofit | to change or improve something such as a machine or a building by adding(zmodernizować,unowocześni |
Roof- Mounted Display | wyświetlacz zamontowany w dachu (samochodowym) |
visually-impaired | Partially or completely blind (słabowidzący) |
partake | to become involved with or take part in something (uczestnictwo) |
presumably | Used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain (prawdopodobnie) |
depicting | describe, render in drawing or writing (przedstawiać, opisywać) commanding- to direct with specifi |
enable | to make something possible ;(umożliwić) |
stage | a single step or degree in a process;(stadium, etap) |
vehicle | machine usually with wheels and an engine used for transporting people or goods on land, especially |
leveraging | - to use (a quality or advantage) to obtain a desired effect or result ;(wywierać nacisk, pozyskiwa |
siphoned | to transfer sth;transport, pass (przetransportować coś) |
secret suace | a special feature or technique kept secret by an organization and regarded as being the chief factor |
alongside | - work with them in the same place and for the same purpose;with, by, near (wraz z, przy) |
ability | zdolność |
appeal | odwołanie, apel (urok?) |
obvious | oczywisty |
elderly | starsi |
partake | brać udział |
presumably | przypuszczalnie, prawdopodobnie |
improve | ulepszyc |
cabs | taksówki |
cross | przechodzic |
ability | zdolnosc, umiejetnosc |
cofounder | wspolzalozyciel |