wordki.pl - nauka słówek
tekst specjalistyczny wordki
autor: izzy1994
incorporatewłączać, przyłączać , wcielać
lies on the road aheadistnieją na drodze przed
Incorporateto include something, so that it forms a part of something (włączać, wcielać)
Offeringto offer someone a something, gift ect. (proponować, oferować)
Fraya fight, a competition or an argument (walka, konkurencja)
(Drive.ai) launchingthe act of beginning something new (uruchomienie, rozpoczęcie, zapoczątkowanie)
(driverless car) kita set of (thing such as) tools or clothes, used for a particular purpose(cel)komplet, zestaw, sprzę
retrofitto change or improve something such as a machine or a building by adding(zmodernizować,unowocześni
Roof- Mounted Displaywyświetlacz zamontowany w dachu (samochodowym)
visually-impairedPartially or completely blind (słabowidzący)
partaketo become involved with or take part in something (uczestnictwo)
presumablyUsed to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain (prawdopodobnie)
depictingdescribe, render in drawing or writing (przedstawiać, opisywać) commanding- to direct with specifi
enableto make something possible ;(umożliwić)
stagea single step or degree in a process;(stadium, etap)
vehiclemachine usually with wheels and an engine used for transporting people or goods on land, especially
leveraging- to use (a quality or advantage) to obtain a desired effect or result ;(wywierać nacisk, pozyskiwa
siphonedto transfer sth;transport, pass (przetransportować coś)
secret suacea special feature or technique kept secret by an organization and regarded as being the chief factor
alongside- work with them in the same place and for the same purpose;with, by, near (wraz z, przy)
appealodwołanie, apel (urok?)
partakebrać udział
presumablyprzypuszczalnie, prawdopodobnie
abilityzdolnosc, umiejetnosc