wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: teresa
condescending(patronizing)showing or implying condescension by stooping to the level of one's inferiors,
imminentlikely to occur at any moment; impending
doltisha dull, stupid person; blockhead
presumptousunwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward.
coarselacking delicacy, taste, or refinement; unpolished:
mordantsharply caustic or sarcastic, as wit or a speaker; biting.
ponderouslyawkwardly, unwieldly
impotencethe condition or quality of being impotent, weakness
insolencecontemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech.
irrepressiblyincapable of being repressed or restrained; uncontrollably: irrepressible laughter.