national | obywatel |
he has been banned for three months | zakaz, zakazywać |
stripped of the gold medal | pasek pas |
he after testing positive for ephedrine | pewny, dodatni |
positive result came during a random test | przypadkowy, losowy |
championship | mistrzostwo |
the title of women's 100 meters champion is TURNING OUT to be a poisoned chalice | wyłączyć, przybywać |
the title of women's 100 meters champion is turning out to be a poisoned CHALICE | kielich |
the title of women's 100 meters champion is turning out to be a POISONED chalice | trucizna, truć |
after kelli white was forced to give up her | przymusowy, wymuszony |
give up her gold medals because of her admission | wsęp, przyznanie się, przyjęcie |
she had used banned performance-enhancing drugs. | podnosić, poprawiać |
the woman who INHERITED her 100m title | dziedziczyć |
title faces a dope ban | narkotyk, idiota, odurzyć |
it was revealed yesterday | ujawniać, odsłaniać |
he runner-up to white in paris | zdobywaca 2 miejsca |
a powerful stimulant | środek pobudzający |
announced her retriement from sport | ogłaszać |
announced her RETIREMENT from sport | EMERYTURA |
DUE | planowany |
due to | z powodu |
in us olympic trials that day | przykre przejścia |
the war against doping | przeciwko |
resarchers devise testes | obmyślać, wynależć |
tests taht can detect | wyczuć, wykorzystać |
physiological changes that may indicate that some newfangled | wskazywać |
physiological changes that may indicate that some NEWFANGLED | nowomodny |
doping is foul play | przestępsstow |
agency dick... has the right idea in his EFFORT to impose | wysiłek, próba |
agency dick... has the right idea in his effort to impose | nakładać, narzucać |
common drugs restriction across all sports all countries | ograniczenie |
it's not just a matter of fairness | sprawiedliwość |
it's important to set the right example | zbiór |
shame on those who would CONDONE doping | tolerować, godzić się |
I simply assume that in some athletic | zakładać, brać na siebie |
notably the explosive sprints | w szczególności |
the majority of competitors are not running | większość |
the majority of competitors are not running UNAIDED | BEZ POMOCY |
may the fastest junkie win | ćpun |
one it that it HARMS athletes | uszkodzenie ciała, krzywda |
that it harms them unnecessarily | niepotrzebny |
neither is wholly | całkowicie |
doping is enhanced PERFORMANCE | wynik, występ |
to give them an edge | ostrze |
training at high altitude | wysokośc |
chamber | komnata |
recreational activities | rekreacja |
in-line skating | rzędem, w szeregu |
considered resilient | spręzysty |
in battling illness | bitwa |
in battling ILLNESS | choroba |
more susceptible to sports injuries than adults | podatny, wrazliwy |
they are inesperienced | brak doświadczenia |
unable to ASSESS the risks involved in sports | oceniać |
UNABLE to assess the risks involved in sports | nie być w stanie czegoś zrobic |
children have less accuracy | precyzja dokładność |
that why it is important to encourage children to | zachęcać kogoś |
be in proper physical condition | przwdziwy, właściwy |
is important to screen for UNDIAGNOSED heart | nierozpoznana |
screen | ekran, sprawdzać |
heart ailments | dolegliwosc |
wear appropriate | stosowny |
protective gear | sprzęt, stroj |
such as shin guards | goleń |
body padding | podszycie, obicie |
avoid playing when tired or in pain | unikać |
hydration | nawodnienie |
diet are also important injury PREVENTION tools | zapobieganie |
tool | narzedzie |
diet are also important injury prevention tools | uraz |
teens will usually grab sweet drinks | korzystać |
they really provide the NUTRITION | ODZYWIANIE |
they really provide | dostawać |
the benefit of water over sugarykorzyś | korzyść |