CIRCUIT | the regular journey around a territory by a person / TRASA | |
CIRCUITOUS | roundabout, winding / OKRĘŻNY | |
CIRCUMFERENCE | a line carried around, the boundary line around an area / OBWÓD | |
CIRCUMLOCUTION | a roundabout way of saying something / WIELOSŁOWIE, PERYFRAZA | |
CIRCUMNAVIGATE | to sail around / OPŁYNĄĆ | |
CIRCUMSCRIBE | to write a line around the bounds, to limit, confine / OKREŚLIĆ, OGRANICZYĆ, ZDEFINIOWAĆ | |
CIRCUMSPECT | cautious, careful to consider consequences / OSTROŻNY | |
CIRCUMSTANCE | sth. standing around, a fact or event accompanying another fact / OKOLICZNOŚĆ, FAKTY | |
CIRCUMVENT | to come around, to get around, to overcome, to prevent / OBCHODZIĆ, OMIJAĆ | |