wordki.pl - nauka słówek
BIO - life
autor: anka1111
AUTOBIOGRAPHYan account of a person's life written by that person / AUTOBIOGRAFIA
BIODEGRADABLEcapable of being broken down by living microorganisms and absorbed by the env./ BIODEGRADOWALNY
BIFEEDBACKa technique for consciously regulating a bodily function as heartbeat or blood pressure/Biol.Sprz.Zw
BIOGRAPHYa written account of somebody's life / BIOGRAFIA
BIOLOGYthe study of plants and animal life / BIOLOGIA
BIOPSYan examination of tissues removed from the living bodies BIOPSJA
BIOSPHEREthe part of earth in which the living things exist / BIOSFERA
SYMBIOSISthe living together in a close union of two dissimilar organisms often to mutual benefit/ SYMBIOZA
SYMBIOTICliving together in close relationship often to the benefit of both
*AMPHIBIAN*an animal that live in water and in land / PŁAZ
*ANTIBIOTIC*chemical substance
*BIOCHEMISTRY*the study of science - chemistry of living matter / BIOCHEMIA
*BIONIC*having superhuman strenght or capacity / NADLUDZKI
*MICROBE*a microorganism , a pathogenic bacterium /DROBNOUSTRÓJ - MIKROB