wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Inżynieria Biomedyczna 8
autologousbelonging to the same organism
self-healingtreatment on your own
a procedurea treatment
to sproutto bud
a cartilagea strong elastic substance found where two bones connect
a valvesomething that opens and closes to control the flow of liquid
a dermisthe thick layer of skin that contains blood vessels
a epidermisthe thin outer layer of the skin
a pylona rigid structure for giving support
a socketa hollow into which a corresponding part fits
a stumpthe distal end of a limb left after amputation
a cosmesisthe surgical correction
a roda bar
a gaitwalk
a pincernippers
a hooka curved piece of metal used for hanging something on
a corneaouter covering of the eye / rogówka
a tracheaa windpipe / tchawica