wordki.pl - nauka słówek
CUR - to run
autor: anka1111
CONCURSEa large open space where crowds gather ( a running together )
CONCURto agree ( run together )
CONCURRENTaccurring at the same time ( running together )
COURIERone who carries messages
COURSEa running from one poin to the next / a series of studies
CURRENCYmoney passes from person to person in a country
CURRENTthe flow of water / prevalent at the moment
CURRICULUMall the courses offered by educational system / a race course
CURSIVEhandwriting with the letters (running along )
CURSORYrunning over rapidly without attention to details, hastly, superficial
DISCOURSEto speak at lenght / a formal discussion of a subject ( to run about )
EXCURSIONa short journey ( running out somewhere )
OCCURto take place ; to happen ( to run forward )
PRECURSORa person or thing that runs before
RECOURSEa turning to someone for help ( a running back )
RECURto happen again ( to run again )
RECURRENTreturning repeatedly ( returning back )
CONCURRENCEthe situation when people or things concur
CORRIDORa long passage in a building or train
INCURto experience something unpleasant as a result
INCURSIONa sudden attact on or act of going into a place
ACCURRENCEsomething that happens