wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Verbs ending with ate
autor: motylku
PROCASTINATEput off doing something
INCARCERATEkeep in prison
REJUVENATEto feel very much younger
PREVARICATEavoid giving an answer
EXPATIATEtalk enthusiastically and at some lenght
ANNIHILATEutterly destroy (buildings, things, dreams)
INTIMIDATEbring pressure to bear on (scare sb)
INCAPACITATEto be out of action (inactive)
PLACATEcalm sb down
DELEGATEhand over
UNDERRATEthink less of sth
LITIGATEtake legal action
DETERIORATEto be worsening
RESUSCITATEbing back to life
REVERBERATEecho round and round
INFURIATEto anger sb
GESTICULATEwave your arms
VITIATEmar (weaken)
PREFABRICATEmake sth in advance
EXPIATEatone for
FUMIGATEremove all the traces of infection by means of smoke
REHABILITATErestore to your former position
ALLEVIATElessen (the pain)
FACILITATEto make sth as easy as possible
PROLIFERATEmultiply enormously
EXTERMINATEutterly destroy (species, people)