wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Część pierwsza kolos 2 RiC
forecasta prediction or statement of what is expected to happen in the future
escalatingbecoming greater in size, seriousness or intensity
rock-bottomrelating to very low price or level
suspendto delay or stop something from being in effect for a while
expertisea special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study or practice
acquisitionthe act of getting or being given sth
bureaucraticrelatin to rules and procedures that can cause long delays
transactionbusiness that is carried out by two or more people negotiating about it
conglomeratea large business firm consisting of several different companies that have joined together
fixedremaining generally the same such as the cost of rent and utilities
externalcoming from the outside
reputedsaid or belived to be true
yieldto produce as return
integrateto bring someone into the dominant group
collateralmoney or property that is used as a guarantee that someone will repay a loan