beneficial | korzystny, opłacalny |
a minimum wage | minimalna płaca |
exploited | wykorzystany |
to face dilemmas | stawiać czoła dylematom |
facilities | udogodnienia |
a random sample | chosen by chance |
to spark unrest | to cause disagreement |
to go to great lengths | to try really hard to do sth |
in the region of | approximately |
to estimate | to guess the value |
annual | relating to a period of a year |
to be awarded to | to be given to sb |
to have benefited from | to take advantage of |
to exacerbate | to make sth bad even worse |
to cap spiralling costs | to reduce costs that increase |
a massive hike | a significant increase |
faculty | people who teach at university |
revenues | income |
perceived | visible |
counselling | giving advice |
extracurricular activities | activities offered beyond the course |
a placement | a temporary position or a job |
sheltered | protected |
benevolent | charitable (dobroczynny) |
be exposed to | to experience sth |
widening access | poszerzenie dostępu |
to reconcile | pogodzić (dwie rzeczy) |
the responsibility falls to a taxpayer | odpowiedzialność spada na podatnika |
tuition fees | czesne |
a controversial debate | kontrowersyjna dyskusja |
an increasing demand for higher education | wzrastający popyt na wyższą edukację |
to offer equal opportunities | oferować równe szanse |
to award a scholarship | przyznać stypendium |
to exclude local residents | wykluczyć lokalnych mieszkańców |
to meet resistance | napotkać opór |
to be exposed to extinction | być narażonym na wyginięcie |
a cross-border market | rynek transgraniczny |
to quell the unrest | stłumić niepokoje |
an extent | zakres |
an assesment | ocenianie |
eternally | zewnętrznie |
a criterion | kryterium |
to subsidy | dotować |