wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: motylku
ADEQUATEsufficient, equal to what is required
EQUABLEequal at all times, unvarying
EQUANIMITYevennes of mind or temper
EQUATEto represent as equal, identify
EQUATORa line equally distant at all points from the North and South Poles
EQUILATERALhaving equal sides
EQUILIBRIUMa state of balance
EQUINOXequal night, when day and night are of equal lenght
EQUITABLEreasonable, fair, just
EQUITYan ownership right to property
EQUIVALENTequal in value, force or meaning
EQUIVOCALhaving two meanings, capable of two interpretations
EQUIVOCATEto make statements with two possible meanings in order to mislead