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SCENES - 41 - 50
autor: anka1111
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PRESUMEto think that sth is true though you are not certain
ACCUSTOMED TOused to sth
CUT CORNERStake shortcuts
INFATUATIONa strong feeling of love for sb or interest in sth, unreasonable / obsession
ACCOMPLISHto succeed in doing sth / achieve
ALL ALONGfor the entire time / always
VILEevil or immortal
GO BONKERSgo nuts / lose one's marbles
SHIFTa group of workers or period of working time
PICK UP THE PIECESto restore one's life to a normal state
TAKE ON SBto compete agains sb or start a fight with sb esp. bigger , better than you
LEVERAGEinfluence that you can use to make people do what you want
PULL ONESELF TOGETHERto become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused
MEDICAL CONDITIONan illness or health problem that affects you permanently
ABUSEto trat sb in a violent and cruel way, often sexually
FIGURE OUTthink about a situation or problem until you find the answer/ work out
DIZZYfeeling unable to stand steadily
EXCEEDto go beyond what you are allowed to / be more than a particular number or amount
GO TO GREAT LENGTHSto make a major effort
DRAG SB INTO STHto make sb involved in a situation when they do not want to
DETESTto hate sth or sb very much
HOLD IT AGAINST SBto bear a grudge
SETTLE A SCOREto do sth to harm or hurt sb who has harmed you in the past
FOR STARTERSused to emphasise the first of a series
PARTICULARYmore than usual or more than others ( especially)
OVERWHELMEDsurprised so much that they do not know how to react
MERELYonly / just
PLOTto make a secret plan to harm a person or organization ( conspire )
SHOCKERa film, news story or action that shocks you
KNUCKLESpart of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, where the finger joins the hand
INSERTto place or fit sth into another thing
OTHERWISEin circumstances different from those present or considered ; or else
UNBEARABLEnot able to be endured or tolerated
WAGESa fixed regular payment, paid on weekly or daily basis, made by employes to employee
PIECE OF TURDa lump or excrement
BE ON SB's PAYROLLtio work for sb / be employed by sb
DONE SB INto kill sb
CREDITrecognition and appreciation
DELUDEDdeceived, fooled, taken in
UTTERto articulate, mention
LONGINGstrong desire, craving for sth
GET EVEN WITH SBsettle the score , get square
MISPLACEDmissing, lost
ON MY ACCOUNTbecause of me
PATHETICpitiful, sorry, in bad shape
SURGEONa medical pracctitioner qualified to practice surgery
WACKOeccentric, madman, lunatic
APPARENTLYevidently, clearly, seemingly
RETRIEVEto get back, recover
RELEVANTimportant, related to
SHORT - TERMvery soon
MAKE IT UP TO SBto do sth good for sb you have upset, in order to become friends with them again
INJURYharm or damage
SAVAGELYbrutally, viciously
SUBTLEdelicate and refined
VANITYexcessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements
SPARE NO EXPENSEto not consider the cost of sth
CORPSE DISPOSALremoval of dead body
OUTCOMEa final product or end result
UNSATISFACTORYinadequate, disappointing
GENUINEaithentic, real
APRONa protective or decorative garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back
THOROUGHLYcompletly, carefully
ANASTHETETICa substance that makes sb insensitive to pain
BE NOWHERE NEARnot anything like, far from
ENDUREto bear without resistance or with patience ; tolerate
FIGURE OUTto make up one's mind, find a solution
BLACKMAILto extort money or favours from sb by making a threat
IF NEED BEprovided it is necessary
HAND OVERto deliver, return, give back
TECH - SAWknowing a lot about modern technologies esp. computers
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