PRESUME | to think that sth is true though you are not certain | |
ACCUSTOMED TO | used to sth | |
CUT CORNERS | take shortcuts | |
INFATUATION | a strong feeling of love for sb or interest in sth, unreasonable / obsession | |
ACCOMPLISH | to succeed in doing sth / achieve | |
ALL ALONG | for the entire time / always | |
VILE | evil or immortal | |
GO BONKERS | go nuts / lose one's marbles | |
SHIFT | a group of workers or period of working time | |
PICK UP THE PIECES | to restore one's life to a normal state | |
TAKE ON SB | to compete agains sb or start a fight with sb esp. bigger , better than you | |
LEVERAGE | influence that you can use to make people do what you want | |
PULL ONESELF TOGETHER | to become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused | |
MEDICAL CONDITION | an illness or health problem that affects you permanently | |
ABUSE | to trat sb in a violent and cruel way, often sexually | |
FIGURE OUT | think about a situation or problem until you find the answer/ work out | |
DIZZY | feeling unable to stand steadily | |
EXCEED | to go beyond what you are allowed to / be more than a particular number or amount | |
GO TO GREAT LENGTHS | to make a major effort | |
DRAG SB INTO STH | to make sb involved in a situation when they do not want to | |
DETEST | to hate sth or sb very much | |
HOLD IT AGAINST SB | to bear a grudge | |
SETTLE A SCORE | to do sth to harm or hurt sb who has harmed you in the past | |
FOR STARTERS | used to emphasise the first of a series | |
PARTICULARY | more than usual or more than others ( especially) | |
OVERWHELMED | surprised so much that they do not know how to react | |
MERELY | only / just | |
PLOT | to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization ( conspire ) | |
SHOCKER | a film, news story or action that shocks you | |
AFFAIR | issue | |
KNUCKLES | part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, where the finger joins the hand | |
INSERT | to place or fit sth into another thing | |
OTHERWISE | in circumstances different from those present or considered ; or else | |
UNBEARABLE | not able to be endured or tolerated | |
WAGES | a fixed regular payment, paid on weekly or daily basis, made by employes to employee | |
PIECE OF TURD | a lump or excrement | |
BE ON SB's PAYROLL | tio work for sb / be employed by sb | |
DONE SB IN | to kill sb | |
CREDIT | recognition and appreciation | |
DELUDED | deceived, fooled, taken in | |
UTTER | to articulate, mention | |
LONGING | strong desire, craving for sth | |
GET EVEN WITH SB | settle the score , get square | |
MISPLACED | missing, lost | |
ON MY ACCOUNT | because of me | |
PATHETIC | pitiful, sorry, in bad shape | |
SURGEON | a medical pracctitioner qualified to practice surgery | |
WACKO | eccentric, madman, lunatic | |
APPARENTLY | evidently, clearly, seemingly | |
RETRIEVE | to get back, recover | |
RELEVANT | important, related to | |
SHORT - TERM | very soon | |
MAKE IT UP TO SB | to do sth good for sb you have upset, in order to become friends with them again | |
INJURY | harm or damage | |
SAVAGELY | brutally, viciously | |
SUBTLE | delicate and refined | |
VANITY | excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements | |
SPARE NO EXPENSE | to not consider the cost of sth | |
CORPSE DISPOSAL | removal of dead body | |
OUTCOME | a final product or end result | |
UNSATISFACTORY | inadequate, disappointing | |
GENUINE | aithentic, real | |
APRON | a protective or decorative garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back | |
THOROUGHLY | completly, carefully | |
ANASTHETETIC | a substance that makes sb insensitive to pain | |
BE NOWHERE NEAR | not anything like, far from | |
ENDURE | to bear without resistance or with patience ; tolerate | |
FIGURE OUT | to make up one's mind, find a solution | |
BLACKMAIL | to extort money or favours from sb by making a threat | |
IF NEED BE | provided it is necessary | |
HAND OVER | to deliver, return, give back | |
TECH - SAW | knowing a lot about modern technologies esp. computers | |