wordki.pl - nauka słówek
SCENES 51 - 60
autor: anka1111
INVESTIGATIONformal or systematic examination or research
SIZEABLEconsiderable, enormous, vast
WARE HOUSEa large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored before their export for sal
CRIMINAL RECORDa list of crimes for which sb has been convicted
RUN A CHECK ON STH / SBto find out if sth or sb is safe, true or trustworthy
TAKE SB ONto give work to or employ sb
TAKE SB's WORD FOR ITto believe what sb says without investigating further
GULLIBLEcredulous, naive
IN ANY CASEregardless of what has occurred or will occur
PREPOSTEROUScentrary to nature, reason, or sense; absurd; ridiculous
DO SB INto kill sb
MEDDLE WITH (syn. INTERFERE)try to influence or change a situation that does not concern you or that you do not understand
FILTHdirt, esp. a lot of it
LOOSE SLEEP OVERto worry about sth/ sb suffer from insomnia
HANDLEdeal with, do
BOAST ABOUTpride oneself on
CONCLUDEcomplete / finalize
ONE'S CUP OF TEAsth that is in accord with one's liking or taste
PROXIMITYearness in distance or time
BONDrelationship/ tie that unites people
GO BEYONDto exceed sth / overstep it / surpass
BRIBEpersuade sb to act in one's favor, illegaly, by a gift of money
BE ONTO STHto be in the process of finding or understanding sth
SOME WHATslightly, alittle, a bit
PLANT (seeds, a bomb, a kiss )to position, place, put sth
DRUG TRAFFICKERan unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs
KEEP A LOW PROFILEto avoid attracting attention to yourself
PERTAIN TO STHto relate to / concern
FRONT GROUPany entity set up by and controlled by another organization that can act for the parent group ...
MONEY LAUDERINGthe process of concealing the source of large amounts of money that have beed gained through ill....
RING A BELLto seem familiar , remind one of sth
SEARCH WARRANTa legal order allowing a law enforcement officer to search certain premises for evidence of a crime
SENCEto detect
TRAUMAsevere emotional or mental distress caused by on experience
HARD UPbroke
CHILD MAINTENANCEcourt - ordered support paid by one spouse to the other who has custody of the child after divorce
CLAIM THE INSURANCE MONEYdemand compensation for loss , damage from an insurance agency
TRINKER WITHto manipulate, try to mend
BRAKESa device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
IN-LAWSyour relatives by marriage ( the father and mother of your husband or wife )
ROOKIE / COPPERpoliceman / constable / cop
KEEP SB POSTEDto keep sb up to date / informed
INCREASINGLYmore and more
RELUCTANTnot wanting to do sth
FANCY ONESELF ASto imagine that sb is a particular type of person
CUNNING AS A FOXdevious / smart
LOOSE ONE's GRIP ON STHto fail to maintain control
LONG - STANDINGcontinued or existing for a long time
QUICK - WITTEDbright / smart
BE ALL EARSto be very eager to hear what sb is going to say
EVIDENCEproof / testimony
TESTIFYto bear witness
DANGLEswing or hang loosely
UNRAVELto investigate and solve ot explain ( sth complicated or puzzling )
PONY TAILa hairstyle in which the hair is drawn back and tied at the back of the head
GEEZERa strange old man
BRANCHa division of a business or other organization
PALa close male friend or buddy
SOUNDsensible / rational
WELLa deep hole in the ground from which ppl take water
ATONE FORto make amends for an error / do penance
REPUTEDLYaccording to what people say or believe ; supposedly
CAST SUSPICIONto make ppl think that sb has done sth wrong
GOING DOWN THE DRAINto be ruined or destroyed
PINCHto take money or property wrongfully ( syn. steal)
SHAREa part or portion of sth
CONVINCEDsure that sth is true or genuine
BROOD OVER STHthink deeply about sth that make one unhappy (syn. worry)
TRANSGRESSIONan act that goes agains the law, rule or code of conduct (syn. offense)
TALK SENSEto speak rationally
RUMOUR HAS ITthere is a rumor that ....
PUT ONE's PRIORITIES RIGHTto focus one's attention, energy on that which is most and truly important
RECLAIMretrieve, get back
PROPERTYa thing belonging to sb ; possessions collectively