adherent (of) | noun;a person who supports a particular idea or party (poplecznik,stronnik, zwolennik) |
adherence | noun; poplecznictwo |
to adhere to | verb;trzymać sie, stosować się do (np zasad) |
convert (to) | noun;someone who has taken on a new set of beliefs (nawrócony, konwertyta) |
conversion | noun;zamiana, wymiana |
to convert | verb;nawracać, odwracać, konwertować |
fanatic | noun; (disapproving) someone with a very strong belief |
radical | someone who believes thare should be extreme political change either of a left- or right- wing natur |
reactionary | noun;(disapproving) some1 opposed to change or new ideas; adjective: przeciwdziałający |
bigot | (disapproving) some1 with strong unreasonable beliefs who thinks that anyone with other blfs sucks |
bigotry | noun: fanatyzm |
bigoted | adjective: zajadły, sfanatyzowany |
assumption | noun:unquestioning acceptance that something is true (jakieś takie pewne założenie) |
derives from | verb: has its origins in |
eradicate | verb: abolish or get rid of (wytępiać, wykorzeniać) |
postulates | noun: basic principles |
consioussness | noun: awareness |
usher in | verb: introduce |
credible | adjective: believable (wiarygodny) |
credulous | adjective: too willing to believe what you're told (łatwowierny) |
incredulous | adjective: not wanting or able to believe something |
credence | noun: acceptace that something is true (wiara) |
gives/lends/adds credence to | phrase: daje wiare, uwiarygadnia |
gullible | adjective: easily tricked into believing things that may not be true (łatwowierny) |
ingenuous | adjective: trusting, sincere, often in a way that seems foolish (naiwny) |
implausible | adjective: unconvincing (np o wymówce, ze jest nie do przyjęcia) |
ascribe | verb: przypisać, (np. many scholars ... this poem to Dante) |
tenet | noun: one of the principles on which a belief is based (doktryna, dogmat) |
give someone the benefit of the doubt | phrase: to accept that someone is telling the truth even though it is certain |
take something with a pinch of salt | phrase: do not totally believe what you are told |
I don't buy that | phrase: nie kupuje tego |
A likely story | phrase: prawdopodobna historia |
what'd you take me for | phrase: za kogo ty mnie masz |
pull the other one | phrase: nabijaj w butelke kogos innego |
i wasn't born yesterday | phrase: nie urodzilam sie wczoraj ;] |
i'll believe it when i see it | phrase: uwierze gdy zobacze |
celebration | noun: święto zabawa |
celebrated | verb: świętuje się |
celebratory | adjective: ....mood, świętowalny nastrój^^ |
renewal | noun: odnowienie |
renews | verb: odnawia się |
renewed | adjective: odnawiający |
festival | noun: special day/event |
festivities | noun: enjoyable activities |
festive | adjective: świętowalny nastrój na f |
spectacle | noun: spektakl |
spectacular | adjective: spektakularne |
ceremony | noun: ceremonia |
ceremonial | adjective: ceremonialne |
superstitious | adjective: have illogical beliefs about hidden forces in nature |
centenary | noun: 100th anniversary |
penance | noun: skrucha, pokuta |
fasting | noun: not eating for a long period |
flamboyant | adjective: fancy glancy |
raucous | adjective: very noisy |
sombre | adjective: serious heavy and sad |
commemorates | noun: respect and remembers officially |
syntax | noun: the grammar and word order |
modality | noun: modalność, meaning such as possibility |
phonology | noun: the sound system, pronunciation |
phonem | noun: different sounds that distinguish meanings |
lexicon | noun: technical term for vocabulary |
compound | noun: words formed by combining words |
orthography | noun: technical term for writing systems |
character | noun: letters or symbol |
pictogram | noun: characters representing pictures |
morphology | noun: how words are formed |
morphemes | noun: units of meanings |
inflected | noun: words have endings to show tense, person |
isolating | noun: each word has only one morpheme |
absolute power | phrase: władza absolutna |
succed one another to the throne | phrase: dziedziczyli po sobie trona |
the laws of succession | phrase: prawo do sukcesji |
accedes to the throne | phrase: objąć tron |
be third in line to the throne | phrase: być trzecim w kolejce do tronu |
pretender | noun: uzurpator |
laid claim to | phrase: rości... |
proclaimed king | phrase: ogłoszono królem |
depose | verb: zdetronizować |
seize power | phrase: przejąć władzę |
usurp power | phrase: przywłaszczać sobie władze |
fall from power | phrase: obalenie władzy ? |
abuse power | phrase: nadużycia władzy |
feudal | noun: relating to a social system stricly organised according to rank, typical of e.g. Europe |
medieval | noun: of or from the Middle Ages i.e. 1000-1500 AD |
Renaissance | noun: 14-16th centuries i Europe |
Victorian | noun: period 1837-1901 when Victoria was Queen of England |
infantry | noun: soldiers on foot |
cavalry | noun: soldiers on horseback |
legion | noun: usually of skelletons in Heroes ;] |
armour | noun: metal protective clothing worn by soldiers |
chariot | noun: two wheeled vehicle pulled by a horse used in ancient times for racing and war |
galleon | noun: large sailing ship with three or four masts |
stagecoach | noun: covered vehicle pulled by horses that carried passengers and goods on regular routes |
cart | noun: open vehicle with two or four wheels and pulled by an animal |
serf | noun: person working on the land who legally belongs to his master |
jester | noun: person who entertained people in the Middle ages with jokes |
minstrel | noun: person who entertained people in d Middel Ages with music and poetry |
highwayman | noun: man on horseback who robbed travellers on roads |
relative poverty | phrase: means that you are in relation to those around you |
income poverty | phrase: means that you are poor if you have less money than the defined poverty line in country |
human poverty | phrase: takes into account other factors such as life expectancy etc |
malnutrition | noun: ill health caused inadequate food (wseńśęże zatrucie) |
illiteracy | noun: inability to read or write (dysmózg^^) |
sanitation | noun: systems for taking dirty water and waste from homes (kałanizacja) |
poverty alleviation | phrase: reducing the level of poverty |
debt servicing | phrase: paying back money owned on loans |
penury | noun:the state of being extremely poor |
live on (or below) the breadline | phrase: having the level of income of an extremely poor person |
impoverished | adjective: poor without much money to live on |
destitute | adjective: without money, food or home |
deprived | adjective: not having the things necessary for a pleasant life |
living from hand to mouth | phrase: z ręki do ust |
money has been tight | phrase: there has not been much money |
legislation | noun: law making |
legislate | verb: law making |
legislator | noun: a person who makes a law |
constituents | noun: people who elected one MP |
lobbies | noun: interest groups who try to influence MPs |
lobby | verb: trying to influence MPs |
corporations | noun: large companies |
corporate | adjective: kolektywny, zespołowy |
minister | noun: MPs with top responsibilities |
civil servants | noun: people employed in government departaments |
lobbyist | noun: people who lobby |
annual budget | adj+noun: yearly financial plan |
petition | noun: formal request often signed by lots of people (to co podrobiła pewna posłanka samoobrony^^) |
tax concession | noun: reduction in taxes (uuu...unusual) |
concede | verb: przyznać, ustąpić |
producer | noun: manufacturer |
productive | adjective: produktywnie |
close-knit | adjective: with close ties to each other (zwarte) |
centralised | adjective: concentrated in one central organisation |
centralisation | noun: centralizować^^ |
fragmented | adjective: separate; not centralised |
paid-up members | phrase: people who have paid their memberiship fees |
deputation | noun: people sent to speak for a group |
counter | verb: oppose (sprzeciwiać się) |
grievances | noun: complaints about unfair treatment (skargi) |
appeal to | request support from |