wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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BW part 1
autor: cafelatte
dodaj do moich zestawów
ABOLISHofficially end a law , system etc. especially one that has existed for a long time
ABUSEtreating someone in a cruel and violent way, often sexually
ACCUSEto say that you believe someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something bad
ACCOMPLICEa person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong
ACQUITgive a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime
ADDICTsomeone who is unable to stop taking drugs
ADJOURNstop for a short time
ALERTofficial warning about a problem or danger so that someone is ready to deal with it
ALIBIsomething that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done
AMNESTYan official order by a government that allows a particular group of prisoners to go free
APPEALa formal request by a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed
ARMEDcarrying a weapon
ARRESTwhen the police take someone away and guard them because they may have done something illegal
ARSONthe crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building
ASSASSINATIONthe act of murdering an important person
ASSAULTphysically attack somebody
AUTHORITYan official organization or a government department that has the power to make a decision
BAILmoney left in the court of law to make sure that a prisoner will return when their trial starts
BLACKMAILwhen someone tries to make you do what they want by making threats
BORDERthe line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions
STATE BORDERthe line that divides one country from another
BORDER CONTROLmeasures adopted by a country to regulate and monitor its borders
BORDER ZONEthe area near borders that has special restrictions to movement
CUSTOMS BORDERfrontier station where baggage and freight are examined for dutiable goods and contraband
BORDER POSTthe place where border officers conduct the cross-border and security clearance procedures
BREAK THE LAWdisobey a rule or law
BREAK INenter a building or car by force
BRIBEsomething valuable (such as money) that is given in order to get someone to do something
BRIBERYthe act of giving gifts or money to persuade someone to do sth for you
BULLET - PROOF VESTmodern armour worn to protect the wearer's organs from injury caused by firearm projectiles
BURGLEbreak in
BURGLARa person who illegally enters buildings and steals things
BURGLARYthe crime of getting into the building to steal things
CAPTIVEa person or animal that is being kept imprisoned or enclosed, esp. as a prisoner of war
CAPTIVITYwhen a person or an animal is kept in a prison
CATCH SOMEBODY RED - HANDEDcatch someone at the moment when they are doing something wrong
CITIZENsomeone who legally belongs to a particular country and has rights and responsibilities there
CITIZENSHIPthe status of a person recognized as being a legal member of a state or nation
CHARGE WITHstate officially that someone may be guilty of crime
CLAIMofficially demand or receive money from an organisation
CLUEa piece of information that helps someone solve a crime or mystery
COMMITdo something wrong or illegal
COMMUNITY SERVICEwork done without payment to help other people
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