ACCOUNT / konto, rachunek | a structured record of transactions | |
ACCOUNTING COST / koszt księgowości | the cost of maintaining and checking business records | |
ACCOUNTING CYCLE / cykl księgowy | the regular process of formally updating a firm's financial position | |
ACCOUNTING CODE / kod księgowy | a number assigned to a particular account | |
ACCOUNTING EVENT / zdarzenie księgowe | a transaction recorded in a particular book of account | |
ACCOUNTING FEES / opłaty księgowe | payments paid to an accountant for preparing accounts | |
ACCOUNTING INSOLVENCY / niewypłacalność księgowa | the condition that a company is in when its liabilities exceed its assets | |
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE / wierzytelności | the amount that a company owes for goods or services obtained on credit | |
ACCRUED INCOME / rozliczenia międzyokresowe czynne | money that has been earned but not yet received | |
ADJUSTED BOOK VALUE / skorygowana wartość księgowa | the value of a company in terms of the current market values | |
AGGREGATE INCOME / dochód zagregowany | the total of all incomes in an economy without adjustments for inflation or taxation | |
AGGREGATE-SUPPLY / podaż zagregowana | the total of all goods and services produced in an economy | |
ALIEN CORPORATION / zagraniczna spółka akcyjna | companies which are based in one country but registered in another | |
AMORTISE / amortyzować | to reduce the value of an asset gradually by writing off its cost | |
ASSET RESTRUCTURING / restrukturyzacja aktywów | the purchase or sale of assets | |
ASSET STRIPPER / wyprzedający przejęte aktywa | a company that acquires another company and sells its assets to make a profit | |
ASSOCIATE COMPANY / spółka stowarzyszona | a company which is partly owned by another company | |
AVERAGE ACCOUNTING RETURN / średni zwrot księgowy | the percentage return realised on an asset | |
AVERAGE COST OF CAPITAL / średni koszt kapitału | the average of what a company is paying for the money it borrows | |
BAD WILL / zła renoma | negative goodwill | |
BALANCE / bilans, saldo | the state of an account | |