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english for business
autor: bunny
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ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE/należnościThe money that is owed to a company for goods or services provided.
ACCEPTANCE HOUSE/gwarantAn institution that accepts financial instruments and agrees to honour them should the borrowed defa
ACTUAL CASH VALUE/rzeczywista wartość pieniądzaThe amount of money, less depreciation, that it would cost to replace something demage.
ARMCHAIR ECONOMICS/rozważania ekonomiczne nie oparte o daneEconomic forecasting or theorising based on insufficient data.
ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT/dział księgowościA unit in a company that deals with accounts.
ANNUAL REPORT/raport rocznyDocuments prepared each year to give a true and fair view of a comany's state of affairs.
APPRECIATION/aprecjacjaThe increase in value of certain assets over time.
ANNUAL CHARGE/opłata rocznaA management fee paid yearly.
APPROVED ACCOUNT/księgi zatwierdzoneFinancial reports that have been accepted by the company's board of directors.
ARBITRAGE/arbitaż rynkowyThe buying and selling of foreign currencies or products betheen 2or more markets in order to make..
ACCOUNTANT/księgowyA professional person who maintains and checks businesss records.
ACCRUED LIABILITIES/rozliczenia międzyokresowe bierneMoney which is recorded although payment has not yet been made.
ACTUARY/aktuariuszA statistician who calculates probable lifespans so that insurance premiums could be accurately dete
AMALGAMATION/fuzja, łączenieThe process of two or more organisations joining together.
ATM/bankomatAn electronic machine from which bank customers can withdraw paper money.
AGED DEBT/dług przeterminowanyA debt that id overdue by one or more given periods.
MONEY/pieniądzeNotes nad coins
ADVANCED PAYMENT/zaliczkaAn amount paid before it is earned.
BALANCE OF PAYMENTS/biland płatniczyA list of a country's credit and debit transactions.
BAD DEBT/dług nieściągalnyA debt which is considered to be uncollectable.
BABY BELL/baby bellOne of the regional phone companies that was established after the demise of AT&T in 1984.
AUDIT COMMITTE/komisja rewizyjnaA company's board of directors that monitors the company's finances.
ASSET(S)/składniki aktywówAny tangible or intangible item to which a value can be assigned.
ACCOUNTING MANUAL/podręcznik księgowościAcollection of accounting instructions.
BALANCE SHEET/bilansA finansial report stating the total assets and liabilities at a given date.
BAD DEBT RESERVE/rezerwa na pokrycie długu nieściągalnegoMoney that a company sets aside to cover bad debts.
ACCOUNTANCY/księgowość, rachunkowośćThe practice of accounting
ACTUAL TURNOVER/obroty rzeczywisteThe number of times during a particular period that somebody spends the average amount of money.
ASSET ALLOCATION/alokacja aktywówAn investment strategy that distibutes investments in a portfolio so as to achieve the highest retur
ANGEL INVESTOR/anioł biznesuAn individual or a group willing to invest in an uproven but well. Researches e-business idea.
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