wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: piotrk
[= notes and coins]money
 [= an institution that accepts financial instruments and agrees to honour them should the borroweracceptance house
[= a structured record of transactions]account
[= the practice of accounting]accountancy
[= a professional person who maintains and checks business records]accountant
[= the cost of maintaining and checking business records]accounting cost
[= the regular process of formally updating a firm's financial position]accounting cycle
[= a number assigned to a particular account]accounting code
[= a transaction recorded in a particular book of account]accounting event
[= payments paid to an accountant for preparing accounts]accounting fees
[= the condition that a company is in when its liabilities exceed its assets]accounting insolvency
[= a collection of accounting instructions]accounting manual
[= a unit in a company that deals with accounts]accounting department
[= the amount that a company owes for goods or services obtained on credit]accounts payable
[= the money that is owed to a company for goods or services provided]accounts receivable
[= money that has been earned but not yet received]accrued income
[= money which is recorded although payment has not yet been made]accrued liabilities
[= the amount of money, less depreciation, that it would cost to replace something damaged]actual cash value
[= the number of times during a particular period that somebody spends the average amount of money]actual turnover
[= a statistician who calculates probable lifespans so that insurance premiums could be accurately dactuary
[= the value of a company in terms of the current market values]adjusted book value
[= an amount paid before it is earned]advanced payment
[= a debt that is overdue by one or more given periods]aged debt
[= the total of all incomes in an economy without adjustments for inflation or taxation]aggregate income
[= the total of all goods and services produced in an economy]aggregate-supply
[= companies which are based in one country but registered in another]alien corporation
[= the process of two or more organisations joining together]amalgamation
[= to reduce the value of an asset gradually by writing off its cost]amortise
[= an individual or a group willing to invest in an unproven but well-researched e-business idea]angel investor
[= a management fee paid yearly]annual charge
[= documents prepared each year to give a true and fair view of a company's state of affairs]annual report
[= the increase in value of certain assets over time]appreciation
[= financial reports that have been accepted by the company's board of directors]approved account
[= the buying and selling of foreign currencies or products between two or more markets in order toarbitrage
[= economic forecasting or theorising based on insufficient data]armchair economics
[= any tangible or intangible item to which a value can be assigned]asset
[= an investment strategy that distributes investments in a portfolio so as to achieve the highestasset allocation
[= the purchase or sale of assets]asset restructuring
[= a company that acquires another company and sells its assets to make a profit]asset stripper
[= a company which is partly owned by another company]associate company
[= an electronic machine from which bank customers can withdraw paper money]ATM
[= a company's board of directors that monitors the company's finances]audit committee
[= the percentage return realised on an asset]average accounting return
[= the average of what a company is paying for the money it borrows]average cost of capital
[= one of the regional phone companies that was established after the demise of AT&T in 1984]Baby Bell
[= a debt which is considered to be uncollectable]bad debt
[= money that a company sets aside to cover bad debts]bad debt reserve
[= negative goodwill]bad will
[= the state of an account]balance
[= a list of a country's credit and debit transactions]balance of payments