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BW part 3
autor: caffelatte
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HELMETa strong hard hat that soldiers, motorcycle riders, the police etc wear to protect their heads
HIJACKto use violence or threats to take control of a plane
HIJACKINGthe use of violence or threats to take control of a plane
HIT AND RUNan accident in which a car driver hits someone and does not stop to help
HOLD-UPan attempt to rob a place or person by threatening them with a weapon
HOSTAGEsomeone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands
IDENTIFYto recognize and correctly name someone or something
IDENTITYsomeone's name or who they are
IDENTIKITproducing a picture of a criminal from descriptions given by people who witnessed the crime
ILLEGALnot allowed by the law
IMMIGRANTsomeone entering another country in order to live there permanently
IMMIGRATIONthe process of entering another country in order to live there permanently
IMPOSTORsomeone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people
IMPRISONto put someone in prison or to keep them somewhere and prevent them from leaving
IMPRISONMENTputting someone in prison or keeping them somewhere and preventing them from leaving
INFORMERsomeone who secretly tells the police, the army etc. about criminal activities
INJUNCTIONan order given by a court which tells someone not to do something
INNOCENTnot guilty of a crime
INSPECTto check that everything is satisfactory and that rules are being obeyed
INSPECTIONofficial visit to a place to check that everything is satisfactory and that rules are obeyed
INTELLIGENCEinformation about the secret activities of foreign governments, secret military plans etc.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCEintelligence relating to capabilities, intentions, and activities of foreign powers or organizations
ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCEsmart information management in order to know & understand key competitors to prevent risks
MILITARY INTELLIGENCEinformation on other countries' military forces, plans, and operations
INTERNMENTkeeping people in prison for political reasons without charging them with a crime
INQUESTa legal process to find out the cause of someone's death
INTERROGATEask questions in order to get information
INTERROGATIONinterviewing, commonly employed by law enforcement officers, military personnel, and intelligence
INVESTIGATEto observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry
INVESTIGATONan official attempt to find out the truth about or the causes of something such a crime or accident
JAILprison, a place where criminals are kept as part of their punishment
JOY-RIDINGstealing a car and driving it in a fast and dangerous way for fun
JUDICIALrelating to the law, judges or their decisions
JUDGEform or give an opinion
JUDGEa person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a guilty person should be punished
JUDGEMENTan official legal decision
JURYa group of 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case in court & decide: guilty or not
JUSTICEsystem by which people are judged in courts
JUVENILE DELINQUENTa minor commiting a crime
KIDNAPtake someone somewhere illegally in order to get money for returning them
KIDNAPPERsomeone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
KIDNAPPINGthe crime of unlawfully seizing and carrying away a person by force
LAUNDER MONEYto transform the profits of crime and corruption into ostensibly "legitimate" assets
LAW_ABIDINGrespectful of the law and obeying it
LAWFULallowed or recognized by law
LAWSUITproblem or complaint that a person or organization brings to a court of law to be settled
LAWYERsomeone who represents people at court
LEGALsomething you are allowed to do or have to do by law
LEGISLATIONlaw or a set of laws
LIBEL(to write) untrue statements about someone so that other people could have a bad opinion of them
LOOTto steal things, especially from shops or houses the have been damaged
LOOTINGstealing things, especially from shops or houses that have been damaged
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