wordki.pl - nauka słówek
komunikacja 2
autor: kyniaczek
square the circleIf you try to square the circle, you try to do something that is very difficult or impossible.
call sb's bluffto make someone prove that what they are saying is true, or to make someone prove that they will rea
split hairsto argue about small details of sth
break new groundto do or discover sth new
follow suitto do the same thing as someone else
bear a grudge againstmieć urazę
rock sbd brainto think very hard
clutch/grasp at strawsto be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or unsatisfactory situation, even if it has lit
pour oil on troubled watersto do or say something in order to make people stop arguing and become calmer
sweat bloodto make a great effort
avertprevent, zapobiec
stockpilesreserves, zasoby
combineput together
parchto dry something out because of too much heat and not enough rain
bareunproductive, nieurodzajny
vulnerablewrazliwy, wystawiony na dzialanie
little prospectniewielka szansa
impose restrictionsnarzucić ograncizenia
insufficient rainniewystarczające opady deszczu
bring massive devastationprzynieśc masowe zniszczenia