dormant account | [= a bank account which is no longer used] | |
dormant company | [= a company which has not made any transactions during a specified accounting period] | |
downsizing | [= organisational restructuring] | |
drop a bundle | [= lose a lot of money] | |
dynamic pricing | [= pricing that changes in line with demand] | |
earnings cap | [= the top limit of earnings] | |
earnings yield | [= money earned by a company during a year] | |
economic growth | [= an increase in the national income of a country] | |
economic sanctions | [= restrictions on trade with a country] | |
e-business | [= a company that conducts business/activity on the Internet] | |
economic welfare | [= the high level of prosperity in an economy] | |
elephant | [= a very large financial institution] | |
embezzlement | [= a financial crime, fraud] | |
endorse | [= to sign a bill or cheque on the back to show that its ownership has been passes on to another per | |
entrepreneur | [= somebody who sets up a business] | |
equity | [= the issued ordinary share capital plus reserves] | |
errors and omissions | [= mistakes from incorrect record keeping or accounting] | |
ethical investment | [= investment only in companies whose policies meet the ethical criteria of the investor] | |
exchange rate | [= the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for that of another country] | |
excise duty | [= a tax on goods such as alcohol or tobacco] | |
executor | [= a person appointed under a will to ensure that the deceased's property is distributed according t | |
expense | [= a cost incurred in buying goods or services] | |
extendable bond | [= a bond whose maturity can be delayed] | |
face value | [= the value written on a financial instrument] | |
factoring | [= the sale of debts to a third party at a discount] | |
fallen angel | [= a stock that was once very desirable but has now dropped in value] | |
feeding frenzy | [= a period of frantic buyer activity in a market] | |
fill or kill | [= to carry out a client's order immediately or else the order is cancelled] | |
final dividend | [= the dividend paid at the end of a year's trading] | |
finance company | [= a business that lends money to people or companies against collateral] | |
financial distress | [= the condition of being in severe difficulties over money] | |
financial year | [= the twelve-month period for which a company produces accounts] | |
fixed asset | [= a long-term asset such as a machine or building] | |
float | [= the act of selling shares or bonds to finance a project] | |
force majeure | [= an event such as a strike, war or storm that is beyond the control of the parties who have signed | |
foreign currency | [= a currency used in a foreign country] | |
free period | [= the period of grace allowed to credit card holder before payments for credit card purchases is d | |
FTSE 100 | [= a share index] | |
GATT | [= General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade] | |
GDP | [= Gross Domestic Product] | |
gilt-edged security | [= a security issued by the UK government that pays a fixed interest after a fixed period] | |
gnomes of Zurich | [= a derogatory name for Swiss bankers] | |
go-go fund | [= a unit trust that trades in high-return and high-risk investments] | |
GNP | [Gross National Product] | |
glamour stock | [= a fashionable security] | |
golden handcuffs | [= a financial incentive paid to employees to remain in an organisation] | |
golden handshake | [= a sum of money given to a senior executive on his involuntary departure from a company] | |
go public | [= to float the shares of a company] | |
hard currency | [= a currency that is traded in a foreign exchange market and for which there is demand] | |
haggle | [= to negotiate the price] | |
hedge fund | [= a unit trust that takes considerable risk] | |