big bucks | forsa | |
to brown nose to sb | podlizać się | |
chicken feed | słabo opłacany | |
to climb corporate ladder | wspinać się na drabinę korporacyjną | |
daily grind | codzienny zachrzan | |
happy hour | wyprzedaż | |
to knuckle down | harować | |
to step on sb's toes | wykonywać czyjąś robotę | |
top dog | wpływowy typ | |
to work around the clock | harować cały dzień | |
to fly by the seat of one's pants | to improvise | |
to get the gang of sth | to learn how to operate/ do sth | |
to give sb pointers | give directions | |
to go over sth on one's head | think/ consider sth | |
in a nutshell | briefly | |
lunch break | have lunch | |
as a rule of thumb | general rule | |
ponder on sth/ sleep on it/ mull | think over | |
thumb-index-middle-ring-,little | palce | |
to show to sb up | show that I am better | |
make snap judgement/ hasty decision | mąkę quick decision | |
to talk shop | talking about your work | |
corporate culture | rules that are in the company | |
disonaur | a person working for a long time/ an old one | |
to do the lion's share of work | to do the biggest part of the work | |
dot com | an online company | |
brick and mortar shop | sklep z zaprawa murarską | |
mortar | moździerz | |
dress-down day | day without the dress code | |
to give sb a fair shake | treat in a fair way | |
to go postal | to become irtiated | |
hit the roof/ go bananas | Get angry | |
new blood | new employees | |
old boy's club | work longer and are treated better (kolesiowstwo) | |
to polish one's resume | to make it up to date/ improve it | |
to foot (for bill) | to pay the bill | |
depute PM | vice premier | |
vice president | vice prezydent | |
at my pace | moim tempem | |
workplace/ job | miejsce pracy (budynek)/ (stanowisko) | |
the most of the people/ most people | Większość ludu | |