ancient | Sj (super old) | |
Australia | O (country - continent) | |
escape prison | Uciec z więzienia | |
wedding reception | party after wedding | |
As usual/ Usually | Jak zazwyczaj | |
I prefer walking to going by car | Wolę spacerować niz jeździć autem | |
another person/ people | inna osoba/ inni ludzie | |
a top ten of | dziesięciu najlepszych | |
survey (ei) | ankieta | |
majority od the students are, population is/ are, wine is | Is czy are? Students, population, wine | |
75,% is a higher percentage | 75% is a high...... | |
Per se | In itself | |
Recognize as | Uważać za | |
28% of the people claim | 25 % ludzi uważa | |
Study reveals | Study r...... | |
We have 100 staff | Mamy 100 pracowników | |
Work under sth | Pracować dla jakiejś firmy | |
Content | Happy | |
At the peak of sb's powers | Na maksymalnych obrotach | |
Co- worker/ work mate | Współpracownik | |
To look up to sb | To admire sb | |
Everyone is | Każdy jest | |
Any/ no such person | Żadna osoba tego typu | |
Law/ low | Prawo/ nisko | |
worry, dog | Obawiać się, pies | |
It depends on | Zależy od | |
O.k. (oł, kej) | Ok | |
dachshund | Jamnik | |
smoothie | Fruit/milk shake | |
Yoghurt (o/ oh) | Jogurt UK/ US | |
London-based | Has headquarters in London | |
To take grid on | To pride oneself in/ on | |
keep ones' eye on | Follow, pay attention to | |
Area (seria) | Obszar | |
How does that compare with? | Jak to się ma do? | |
Dress up | Wear formalności clothes | |
I wouldn't go that far | I don't agree with this | |
have sb on a contract | Mieć kogoś zatrudnionego na umowę | |
Shallow | Płytki | |
Make for sth | contributes to | |
Motivated (ou) | Zmotywowany | |
Cashier (is) | Kasjer | |
Company (a) | Firma | |
Demanding ,(oooo)/ (ae) | Wymagający (ul/us) | |
Staff are (UK)/ is/are (us)) | Kadra jest (UK/us) | |
Hotel (ou) | Hotel (UK/us) | |
Training | Szkolenie | |
3-day training course/ programme | Szkolenie 3 dniowe | |
Get a new job | Dostać nowa prace | |
the other/ another group | inna grupa (z 2/ z 2 lub więcej) | |
good contacts | getting on well with other people | |
have a different culture | mieć inną kulturę | |
develop (i) | develop (sound) | |
parent (ae) | parent (sound) | |
disadvantage (s/ aa -uk, ae - us) | disadvantage sounds | |
drawback (oo) | drawback (sound) | |
aren't (aant) | aren't (sound) | |
discriminate against sb | dyskryminować kogoś | |
discriminate between | rozróżniać pomiędzy | |
to grind | zgrzytać zębami | |
grinder | młynek do kawy | |