break/ shatter the class ceiling | Manage to climb the corporate ladder | |
tri'bunal (ai/i) | tribunal s | |
employment tribunal | Sąd pracy | |
white collar worker/ office worker | Urzędnik | |
blue collar worker | Robotnik | |
constructive dismissal | Uzasadnione zwolnienie się z pracy | |
benefit in kind | Świadczenie nierzeczowe/ w naturze | |
question sth | doubt/ query sth | |
query (ie/ e) | query s | |
DO on the basis of | Bazując na | |
STH based on | Oparty na | |
a high flyer | Sb ambitious | |
factory slog/ toil | Harówka 2 | |
claim sth | get/ receive sth | |
side with sb | agree with sb | |
award compensation | zadośćuczynienie | |
to air sth | to express sty publically | |
hierarchy (ai) | hierarchia s | |
par for the course | sth is expected | |
in my line of work | in my profession | |
line of work | (branża) | |
'disciplinary or discip'linary | dyscyplinarnie stress | |
the last sth but one/ one but last/ penultimate | Przedostatni 3 | |
Antipenultimate | Nie przedostatni | |
nil | Zero/ zerowy | |
pay rise (UK, us) - raise (us) | Podwyżka | |
Office politics | Układy w firmie | |
Cronyism | Kolesiostwo | |
Be due | Be going to happen | |
Healthy/ unhealthy pay slip | Zdrowy/ niezdrowy odcinek wypłaty | |
Take home pay | Zapłata netto | |
Sth is down | Sth is power than it used to be | |
Disposable income | Money you can use on disposal (luźne) | |
Glass ceiling | A barier keeping a given demographic from rising beyond the certain level in hierarchy | |
Shop steward | A representative of a labour union | |
performance apprisal/ review/ evaluation// employee apprisal | Career development disscusion | |
Working conditions | Warunki pracy | |
Career prospects | Future opportunities in job life | |
Pay slip | A piece of doc specifying how much money one earned | |
Job specification | Info about position | |
Pay dispute | A discussion about salaries | |
Employment tribunal | to solve the disputes btw the employers and employees | |
Salary freeze | Zamrożenie wypłaty | |
Unemployment benefit | Zasiłek dla bezrobotnych | |
Social insurance | Ubezpieczenie społeczne | |
Maternity leave | Urlop macierzyński | |
Hiring practice | Way of employing | |
Grandeur | Wielkość, wspaniałość | |