wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Konwersacje Michta 5b
autor: aviete
break/ shatter the class ceilingManage to climb the corporate ladder
tri'bunal (ai/i)tribunal s
employment tribunalSąd pracy
white collar worker/ office workerUrzędnik
blue collar workerRobotnik
constructive dismissalUzasadnione zwolnienie się z pracy
benefit in kindŚwiadczenie nierzeczowe/ w naturze
question sthdoubt/ query sth
query (ie/ e)query s
DO on the basis ofBazując na
STH based onOparty na
a high flyerSb ambitious
factory slog/ toilHarówka 2
claim sthget/ receive sth
side with sbagree with sb
award compensationzadośćuczynienie
to air sthto express sty publically
hierarchy (ai)hierarchia s
par for the coursesth is expected
in my line of workin my profession
line of work(branża)
'disciplinary or discip'linarydyscyplinarnie stress
the last sth but one/ one but last/ penultimatePrzedostatni 3
AntipenultimateNie przedostatni
nilZero/ zerowy
pay rise (UK, us) - raise (us)Podwyżka
Office politicsUkłady w firmie
Be dueBe going to happen
Healthy/ unhealthy pay slipZdrowy/ niezdrowy odcinek wypłaty
Take home payZapłata netto
Sth is downSth is power than it used to be
Disposable incomeMoney you can use on disposal (luźne)
Glass ceilingA barier keeping a given demographic from rising beyond the certain level in hierarchy
Shop stewardA representative of a labour union
performance apprisal/ review/ evaluation// employee apprisalCareer development disscusion
Working conditionsWarunki pracy
Career prospectsFuture opportunities in job life
Pay slipA piece of doc specifying how much money one earned
Job specificationInfo about position
Pay disputeA discussion about salaries
Employment tribunalto solve the disputes btw the employers and employees
Salary freezeZamrożenie wypłaty
Unemployment benefitZasiłek dla bezrobotnych
Social insuranceUbezpieczenie społeczne
Maternity leaveUrlop macierzyński
Hiring practiceWay of employing
GrandeurWielkość, wspaniałość