Golden Arches | McDonalds | |
Coronary | Heart attack | |
Kick in | To start to work | |
For x days straight | X days in a row/ running | |
Enlist the help of sb | Ask sb to help you | |
To enlist | To join the army | |
Heartburn | Zgaga | |
Immediate family | The closest family | |
Embark on sth | To start sth | |
Binge | To do sth excessively | |
Hernia | Przepuklina | |
Fasting blood sugar | Sugar naczczo | |
Saturated fat | Tłuszcz nasycony | |
pedometer | krokomierz | |
shack | rudera | |
vegetable tart | with pastry on the bottom only | |
artichoke | karczok | |
organic | ekologiczny | |
hockey puck | krążek do hokeja | |
coke | cola | |
grab a salad | to have a salad | |
lure sb | entis/ encourgae sb to do sth | |
bagel | bajgel | |
serving | porcja | |
gallon | 3,7 l | |
workout | do exercise | |
puke | throw out | |
fat-laden | full of fat | |
hector (fml) | speak in an angry way | |
omnious | złowieszczy | |
develop diabetes | powodować cukrzycę | |
lifespan | number of years | |
elevated levels | high levels | |
fibrosis | zwłóknienie | |
cirrhosis | marskość | |
lettuce | sałata | |
without further ado | mowing on (without talking more) | |
vice 2 | bad trade of chracter/ imadło | |
firsthand experience | when you experience sth yourself | |
secondhand/ vicarious experience | when you hear about sth from sb | |
ticker | heart | |
sundae | ice cream | |
gross | disusting | |
baloney | nonsense | |
treadmill | bieżnia | |
push-up | pompka | |
glisten | shine | |
case in point | an example of sth | |
preservatives | konserwanty | |
horse raddish | chrzan | |
raddish | rzodkiewka | |
notch | hole | |
turn a blind eye | to fail to pay attention to sth | |