PROPERTY | the thing or things that someone owns | |
PROSECUTE | charge with a crime | |
PROSECUTOR | a person who istitutes or conductts legal proceedings, esp. in a criminal court | |
PROSECUTION | the institution and carrying on of legal proceedings against a person | |
PROTECTION | keeping someone or something safe from harm, damage or illness | |
PUNISHMENT | making someone suffer because they have done something wrong or have broken the law | |
PUNISH | make someone suffer because they have done something wrong or have broken the law | |
QUESTION | ask someone questions in order to get information about something, especially a crime | |
QUESTIONING | asking someone questions in order to get information about something, especially a crime | |
RANSOM | an amount of money that is paid to free someone who is held as a prisoner | |
RAPE | the crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by using violence | |
RAPIST | SB who forces another to have sexual intercourse | |
RECIDIVIST | a criminal who starts doing illegal things again, even after he or she has been punished | |
REFORMATORY | a special school where young people who have broken the law are sent | |
REFUGEE | SB who has been forced to leave their country, esp. during war, or for political/religious reasons | |
RELEASE | when someone is officially allowed to go free after being kept somewhere eg in prison | |
REMAND | to send someone back from a court of law, to wait for their trial | |
REPRIEVE | to issue an official order stopping the killing of a prisoner as a punishment | |
RINGLEADER | someone who leads a group that is doing something illegal or wrong | |
RIOT SHIELD | special equipment protecting police officers during a riot | |
ROB | to steal money or property from a person, bank etc. | |
ROBBERY | act of stealing money or property from a person, bank etc. | |
ROBBER | someone who steals money or property from a person, bank etc | |
SABOTAGE | deliberate damage that is done to equipment, vehicles etc. to prevent an enemy from using them | |
SABOTEUR | a person who commits sabotage | |
SAFETY | being safe from danger or harm | |
MEANS OF SAFETY | ways to prevent danger, risk, threat of harm, injury or loss to personnel and/or property | |
SECRET | operating in a hidden or confidential manner | |
SECRET AGENT | a person employed in espionage | |
SECRET SERVICE | a government agency engaged in intelligence-gathering activities | |
SECURITY | protection from danger | |
GUARANTEE OF SECURITY | a promise that something will be secure | |
SELF - DEFENCE | something you do to protect yourself or your property | |
SENTENCE | a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime | |
SERVE | spend a particular period of time in prison | |
SHOPLIFT | to take something from a shop without paying for it | |
SHOPLIFTER | someone who is taking something from a shop without paying for it | |
SHOPLIFTING | taking something from a shop without paying for it | |
SLANDER | false spoken statement about someone intended to damage the good opinion that people have of him/her | |
SMUGGLE | to take something or someone illegally from one country to another | |
SMUGGLER | a person taking something or someone illegally from one country to another | |
SMUGGLING | taking something or someone illegally from one country to another | |
SOUND THE ALARM | turn on the alarm, make a noise | |
STATEMENT | the act of expressing something in words | |
STEAL | to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it | |
STOWAWAY | a person who hides on a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle | |
SUE | [make a legal claim against someone, especially for money, bacause they have harmed you in some way | |
SUPERVISOR | someone in charge of a person or activity | |
SUPERVISION | being in charge of a person or activity | |
SWINDLE | get money from someone by deceiving them | |
SWINDLER | a person who gets money from someone by deceiving them | |