wordki.pl - nauka słówek
\Types of people
autor: Ania01
A castawaysomeone who has been shipwrecked
A gossipis a person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives
A midwifenurse who has been specially trained to advise pregnant women and to assist them to giving birth
A shop stewardmember of a trade union elected to represent other members
A tycoonis a rich and powerful businessman or industrialist
A culpritis someone who has committed a crime or done sth wrong
An accompliceperson who helps another person to commit a crime
A conscriptsomeone who is made to serve in one of the armed forces of a country whether he likes it or not
A hooliganis a noisy, rough young person who causes damage or disturbances in public places
A registraris a person responsible for keeping official records
A siblingis a brother or a sister
A picketis a person who during a strike is outside a factory by his trade union
An alienis foreigner who has not yet become a citizien of the country in which he is living
An artisanis a skilled manual worker or craftsman
A wardis a young person who is in the care of a quardian or law-court
A hermitsb who has withdrawn from society and lives alone
A predecessoris the former occupant of an office, position, etc
An underwriteris a person who makes insurance contracts
An agnosticis a person who holds that it is not possible to know whether God exist or not
A bursaris a person in charge of a college or school who is responsible for the accounts
A copywriteris a person who writes the words for advertisements
A peeris a person of the same age, rank or status as oneself
A swindleris a person who deceives others, usually to get money illegally
An arbitratorsb who is called in to settle a dispute between two people usually at the request of both sides
A compatriotis a fellow countryman or countrywomen
A despotis a ruler who uses his power unfairly or cruelly
A beneficiaryis a person who is entitled to receive money or property from a will or insurance
A toddleris a small child who has just learnt to walk
An assessoris a person whose job is to calculate the value of a property or the amount of income or taxes
An envoyis a special messenger sent by one government to do business with another government
A delinquenta young person who has broken the law
An invigilatorsb who supervises the people taking an examination make sure they do not cheat
An oculista doctor who specialises in treating eye defects or disease
A prudesb who is easily shocked by things relating to nudity or sex
A stalwartis a loyal, dependable and strong supporter of an organisation or political party
A vandalsb who deliberately damages or destroys public property
An actuarysb who advises insurance companies on how much to charge for insurance
A boorsb who behaves in a coarse , bad mannered way
An expatriatesb who is living in foreign country
A magnatesb who is very wealthy and powerful esp. in business or industry
A pallbearersb who walks beside or helps to carry a coffin at a funeral
A puntersb who bets money on horse races
A vagrantsb who has no home or job and who lives by going from place to place , begging or stealing
A taxidermistsb who prepares the skin of animals and the stuffs and mounts them so that they look lifelike
A adjudicatorsb who is appointed to act as a judge in a competition
A conscientious objectorsb who refuses to serve in the armed forces or fight in a war on moral or religious grounds
An interlopersb who enters a place when he has no right to be there
A misogynistsb who hates woman
A teetotallersb who never drinks alcohol
A bigotsb who has strong and unreasonable opinions about religion, politics, is intolerant
A executorsb who carries out the orders in a will
A pathologistis a doctor who examines a dead body to find out how the person died
A spousein one's husband or wife
A tyrantis a ruler who has absolute power and who rules cruelly and unjustly
A charlatansb who deceives others by pretending to have special skills or knowledge esp. about medicine
A lackeysb who follows another person's orders completely without ever questioning them
A pawnbrokersb who will lend you money in return for an article you possess
A squattersb who enters and lives in unoccupied property without permission and without paying any rent
A convalescentsb who is spending time getting well after an illness
A recidivistsb who keeps going back to a life of a crime even after being punished