SURVEILANCE | when the police, army etc. watch SB or STH carefully as they may be connected with criminal activity | |
SUSPECT | someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime | |
SWORN | who promised that he will do something | |
SWORN INTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR | recognised by authorities such as the High Court of Justice to translate and legalise documents | |
SWORN WITNESS | a person giving sworn testimony to a court of law or the police | |
TERRORISM | the use of violence such as bombing, shooting or kidnapping to obtain political demands | |
TESTIMONY | a formal statement saying that something is true, especially one a witness makes in a court | |
THEFT | stealing things from another person | |
THIEF | someone stealing things from another person | |
THREATEN | to tell somebody that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want | |
THREAT | expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage | |
TORCH | long stick with burning material, a small electric lamp that you carry in your hand | |
TRAITOR | someone who is not loyal to their country | |
TRAUMA | an unpleasant and upsetting experience that effects you for a long time | |
TREASON | the crime of being dialoyal to your country especially by helping its enemies | |
TRESPASSING | going onto someone's private land without their permission | |
TRESPASS | to go onto someone's private land without their permission | |
TRIAL | a formal examination of evidence by a judge in order to decide guilt in a criminal or civil case | |
TRUNCHEON | a short thick stick that police officers carry as a weapon | |
TURMOIL | a state of confusion,excitement or anxiety | |
UNIFORM | a particular type of clothing worn by all the members of an organisation such as the police, army | |
VANDALISM | damaging or destroying things deliberately, especially public property | |
VANDAL | someone damaging or destroying things deliberately, especially public property | |
VERDICT | an official decision made in a court of law , especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime | |
VICTIM | somebody who has been harmed, attacked, robbed or murdered | |
VIGILANCE | careful attention you give to what is happening so that you will notice any danger of illegal act | |
VIOLENCE | behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically | |
VISOR | the part of a helmet that can be lowered to protect your face | |
WALKIE TALKIE | one of a pair of radios you can carry with you & use to speak to the person with the other one | |
WANTED | being looked for by the police | |
WARNING | a statement that tells you that sth bad, dangerous or annoying might happen so you can avoid it | |
WARN | make a statement that tells you that sth bad, dangerous or annoying might happen so you can avoid it | |
WARDER | a person who works in a prison guarding the prisoners | |
WARRANT | a legal document that is singed by a judge allowing the police to take a particular action | |
ARREST WARRANT | a legal document giving permission to arrest someone | |
SEARCH WARRANT | a legal document authorizing a police officer or other official to enter and search premises | |
WITNESS | someone who sees a crime or an accident and can describe what happened | |
YOUTHFUL OFFENDER | a young person, a minor commiting a crime or an offence | |