wordki.pl - nauka słówek
koło ostatnie w moim zyciu z angielskiego
autor: iniestazo
someone who establishes a companyfounder
the value of buisiness activityequity
the state of being successfull and having a lot of moneyprosperity
the situation when smth is not likely to changestability
company reserves of row materialsinventory or stock
any of the pieces of parts that make up a product or maschinea component
is the max rate of output that can be achivedcapacity (zdolność produkcyjna)
collective word for all the buildings, maschines and other use in productionplant
means the geographical situation of the companylocation
network of organizations involved in producing and delivering goodssupply chain
its buying products or components from other companiesoutsourcing
time needed to perform product or to deliver itlead time
correct, exact and without any mistakesaccurate
able to move quicklyagile
a guess of what size or amount of smth might beeshimate
a statement of what is expected to happen in futureforecost
using small quantities and avoiding any wastelean
managing the flow of goods, informationslogistics
done with the handmanual
to fill smth up againreplanish
time when maschine isnt workingidle time
how is smth movingflow
faults in the way smth is madedefects
making smth againrework
trying to avoid future mistakeserror-proofing
all the workers that are needed to do a jobman power
an earlier stage in a processup stream
at a later stage in a processdown stream
add valuewartość dodana
be willing to pay for smthbyć gotowym na zapłate
deliver partsdostarczanie części
eliminate wasteeliminować marnotrastwo
make sure smth doesn't happen againmieć pewność, że coś nie zdarzy się ponownie
perform a taskwykonać zadanie
attach a kanban card to an itemdołączyć kartę kanban do narzędzia
minimize inventoryzmniejszyć magazyn
optimize the flow of materialszoptymalizować przepływ materiałów
supply chainłańuch dostaw
forwarding agentspedytor
group of things that are made togetherbatches (partie)
large building to store the goodswarehouse
draw attention to smthflag up
delays in one stage of processbottlench (wąskie gardło)
cos savings arising from large-scale productioneconomy of scale
something that is popular or fashinable for a short timefad
how long various avtivities take to completecycle time
an emphasis on achievementsresults orientation
set of ideas or rulesframework
examing a process suddenlyspot checks
small quantites for testingsampling
being similar to what customer expectconforment to requirement
lasting a long timedurability
things that customer is interested infeatures