someone who establishes a company | founder |
the value of buisiness activity | equity |
the state of being successfull and having a lot of money | prosperity |
the situation when smth is not likely to change | stability |
company reserves of row materials | inventory or stock |
any of the pieces of parts that make up a product or maschine | a component |
is the max rate of output that can be achived | capacity (zdolność produkcyjna) |
collective word for all the buildings, maschines and other use in production | plant |
means the geographical situation of the company | location |
network of organizations involved in producing and delivering goods | supply chain |
its buying products or components from other companies | outsourcing |
time needed to perform product or to deliver it | lead time |
correct, exact and without any mistakes | accurate |
able to move quickly | agile |
a guess of what size or amount of smth might be | eshimate |
a statement of what is expected to happen in future | forecost |
using small quantities and avoiding any waste | lean |
managing the flow of goods, informations | logistics |
done with the hand | manual |
to fill smth up again | replanish |
time when maschine isnt working | idle time |
how is smth moving | flow |
faults in the way smth is made | defects |
making smth again | rework |
trying to avoid future mistakes | error-proofing |
all the workers that are needed to do a job | man power |
an earlier stage in a process | up stream |
at a later stage in a process | down stream |
add value | wartość dodana |
be willing to pay for smth | być gotowym na zapłate |
deliver parts | dostarczanie części |
eliminate waste | eliminować marnotrastwo |
make sure smth doesn't happen again | mieć pewność, że coś nie zdarzy się ponownie |
perform a task | wykonać zadanie |
attach a kanban card to an item | dołączyć kartę kanban do narzędzia |
minimize inventory | zmniejszyć magazyn |
optimize the flow of materials | zoptymalizować przepływ materiałów |
supply chain | łańuch dostaw |
forwarding agent | spedytor |
group of things that are made together | batches (partie) |
large building to store the goods | warehouse |
draw attention to smth | flag up |
delays in one stage of process | bottlench (wąskie gardło) |
revenue | przychód |
cos savings arising from large-scale production | economy of scale |
something that is popular or fashinable for a short time | fad |
how long various avtivities take to complete | cycle time |
an emphasis on achievements | results orientation |
set of ideas or rules | framework |
examing a process suddenly | spot checks |
small quantites for testing | sampling |
being similar to what customer expect | conforment to requirement |
lasting a long time | durability |
things that customer is interested in | features |