wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Catia
BLUNT(-/+) they say what they really think, even if it will hurt or offend someone
BRASH(-) they are annoyingly loud, overconfident and aggressive
CALCULATING(-) they get what they want by careful and clever planning, without caring about anyone else
CALLOUS(-) they are cruel and heartless
CANTANKEROUS(-) they are bad-tempered and tend to argue with people about insignificant things
CHEERFUL(+) they are happy and in a good mood
CURT(-) they are very abrupt (and rude, as a result) when they talk to another person
FICKLE(-) they are not faithful or loyal to their friends
INQUISITIVE (-)(-) they are always trying to find out about other people's lives, often by asking a lot of question
INQUISITIVE (+)(+) interested in many different things and always wanting to know more about them (often used ab
METICULOUS(+/-) hey are very careful about what they do, paying attention to small details
PERSISTENT(+/-) they refuse to give up, despite difficulties or opposition
RECKLESS(-) they do dangerous things without thinking about the consequences of their actions
RUTHLESS(-) cruel and cold and have no mercy or feelings for others [Note: also used to describe actions]
SQUEAMISH (+/-)they do not like the sight of, and are usually upset by, unpleasant things such as blood or needles
SULLEN(-) they are bad-tempered and do not speak much
UNSCRUPULOUS(-) they are prepared to act in an immoral and dishonest way to get what they want
VOLATILE(-) they lose their temper very quickly and very easily
WITHDRAWN(-/+) they are very quiet and do not like talking to others
accesible / INaccesibleThat can be easily reached/used/entered
accurate / INaccuratePrecise, correct
apologeticTo say or show you are sorry for doing sth
arguableDebatable, may be questioned
argumentativeQUARRELSOME, always ready to disageee
coherent / INcoherentwell-planed, clear and sensible
decisive / INdecisiveable to make quick decisions in a difficult situation
discreet / INdiscreetcareful in order to avoid embarrassing or offending sb
excessivemore or higher than is necessary or reasonable
legible / ILlegibleclear enough to read
logical / ILlogicalreasonable/sensible
loyal / DISloyalfaithful
normal /ABnormalusual, ordinary
obedient / DISobedientsb who does what they are told to do
official / UNofficialapproved by sb in authority
orthodox / UNorthodoxaccepted or used by most people
plausible / IMplausiblelikely to be true, valid
polite / IMpolitewith good manners, COURTEOUS
practical / IMpracticalDOWN-TO-EARTH; effective, likely to be successful
precise / IMprecision (n)exact
PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT(to be) treated better than other people
replaceable / IRreplaceabledisposable
responsible / IRresponsiblebehaving sensibly and properly
ripe / UNripefully grown, ready to eat (fruit, grain)
scrupulous / UNscrupuloussb who takes great care to do what is fair, honest or morally right