wordki.pl - nauka słówek
entertainmentthese are various activities which give us fun and pleasure
kleenexhygienic wipes
weatherconditions of our surroundings outside
stinkywith unpleasant scent
adventureexciting activity
a bottle of perfumesa small glass which contains perfumes
ear plugsthese are small items which people insert into their ears in order to kill the noise
hour60 minutes period of time
inflatable pillowit's a special pillow that contains air
blanketit's an item made from fabric that keeps us warm
tissue paperthese are special small sheets of small soft paper which are used to wipe nose
waterfallit's a phenomenon in the nature where water falls down from the rocks
eye maskit's an object which allows to fall asleep when the light is on. it covers our ears
cover the eyesan activity when people hide their eyes with their hands
flightit's time which you spend on the plane travelling from point a to point b
toothbrushit's a special item to brush your teeth
sockssome pieces of fabric which you wear on your feet keep the warm
paradiseit's a breath-taking place that people dream of staying in
long haul flightjourney in the air which takes more than six hours
friendlynice to other people
ACit's an equipment which controls temperature of the air
politevery friendly towards people