wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: lucy222
acknowledge (I acknowledged that it was my fault)przyznawać, potwierdzać (np. odbiór czegoś)
actor / actressaktor / aktorka
ability (She seemed to have lost the ability to talk)umiejętność, zdolność
according towedług
adjust (We adjusted the office according to her wishes)dostosowywać, modyfikować (zmieniać coś, aby nadawało się do jakiegoś celu)
admire / admirationpodziwiać / podziw
advantage / disadvantagezaleta / wada
advice (Could you give me some advice on buying a computer)rada
advise (The teacher advised his students to visit the library)radzić, poradzić, doradzić, udzielić rady
afterwards She and her husband came in immediately afterwardspotem, później, następnie
ahead (She shouted and ran ahead)naprzód, do przodu
allow (He would never allow such a thing!)pozwalać, zezwalać
aloudna głos
drop (A lot of snow dropped today)upadać
rip off (He ripped off a candy from the shop.)ukraść,oderwać, zerwać