acknowledge (I acknowledged that it was my fault) | przyznawać, potwierdzać (np. odbiór czegoś) |
actor / actress | aktor / aktorka |
ability (She seemed to have lost the ability to talk) | umiejętność, zdolność |
according to | według |
achieve | osiągnąć |
adjust (We adjusted the office according to her wishes) | dostosowywać, modyfikować (zmieniać coś, aby nadawało się do jakiegoś celu) |
admire / admiration | podziwiać / podziw |
advantage / disadvantage | zaleta / wada |
advice (Could you give me some advice on buying a computer) | rada |
advise (The teacher advised his students to visit the library) | radzić, poradzić, doradzić, udzielić rady |
afterwards She and her husband came in immediately afterwards | potem, później, następnie |
ahead (She shouted and ran ahead) | naprzód, do przodu |
allow (He would never allow such a thing!) | pozwalać, zezwalać |
alongside | wzdłuż |
aloud | na głos |
drop (A lot of snow dropped today) | upadać |
rip off (He ripped off a candy from the shop.) | ukraść,oderwać, zerwać |