cooked his goose | sam się tak użądził | |
let the cat out of the bag | wyjawić sekret | |
flogging a dead horse | marnować czas na coś, czego nie da się zrobić | |
donkey's years | =very long time | |
gone to the dogs | zejść na psy | |
gets my goat | =irytuje mnie | |
kill two birds with one stone | to solve two problems at one time with a single action | |
take the bull by the horns | wziąć byka za rogi | |
until the cows came home | do późna, długo | |
there are plenty more fish in the sea | used to say that there are many other people or possibilities | |
make a pig of oneself | to eat too much, too fast, or noisily | |
crocodile tears | krokodyle łzy | |
lion's share | lwia część | |
rat race | wyścig szczurów | |
to have kittens | to become very worried or upset about something | |
stag night | wieczór kawalerski | |