fabryczny | factory, plant |
fabuła | plot |
facet | fellow, chap, guy |
fachwoiec | specialist, expert, professional |
faktycznie | actually,in fact, indeed |
falbanka | flounce |
falisty | wavy |
falowac, teren, tlum | wave, undulate, roll |
fałdować, fałda | fold |
fałszowac | falsify, forge |
fałszywy adres, trop, pozory | phoney adress, wrong lead, false pretences |
fantastycznie | fantasically, fabulously |
bujna fantazja | wild imagination |
fantazjowac | fantasize |
farba do wlosow, farba | hair dye, paint, dye |
farmaceuta | pharmacist |
farsa | farce |
farsz | stuffing |
fart | fluke |
fartuszek, fartuch | pinafore, apron |
faszerować | stuff |
fatalnie, bardzo zle, fatalnie | fatally, disastrously, badly, too bad! |
fatygowac sie | trouble, bother |
fenomenalnie | phenomenally, extraordinarily |
glupi zart, splatac komus figla | hoax, to play a joke/trick on sb |
figlarny | frolicsome |
fikołek | somersault |
filharmonia | concert hall |
to zadna filozofia | it s quite easy |
finanse, finansowo niezależny | finances, financially independent |
finezja, fiolet, fiołek | finesse, violet, violet |
firma , handlowa, konkurencyjna | firm business company, commercial firm, competing firm |
praca fizyczna | manual labour |
flakonik, flejtuch | phial, slob |
folia, aluminiowa,przylepna do zywnosci | foil, tinfoil, cling |
byc w dobrej formie | to be in good form |
formularz, wypelnic formularz | form, to fill in a form |
forsa, miec forsy jak lodu | dough, to be rolling on money, to have money to burn |
forsować sie | to exert onself |
fotogeniczny | photogenic |
frajda, frajer | fun, sucker |
puste frazesy | empty platidues |
frustrowac, frustracja | frustate, frustration |
frywolnie, frywolnosc, frywolny | frivolously, frivolity, frivolous |
fryzura | hairdo, hair style, haircut |
fundacja | foundation |
stawiać, ja funduje | to treat sb to sth, this is my treat |
funkcjonalnie | funtcionally |
furtka | gate |
fusy | grounds |
fuzja | fusion, merger, amalgamation |