aisle | passage between the rows of chairs/seats, etc | |
access (to the Internet/fresh water) | connection, addmittance | |
accommodate | hold, take in, contain | |
accommodation | place to stay | |
additional | added, further, suplementary | |
admittance | entrance, access | |
adjoining rooms | adjacent, contiguous, neighbouring | |
agricultural | pertaining to land cultivation | |
air-conditioned coach | a bus, a vehicle for long-distance travelling, in which the temperature can be regulated | |
airport | an aerodrome with all the facilities for flights to take off and land | |
aisle/window seat | the place for passengers to sit during the travel | |
allocation (of rooms/seats) | the assignment of rooms to guests in a hotel, hostel etc. | |
amenities | things that make a place comfortable or easy to live in | |
amusement arcade | a venue where people play games, such as video games, pinball machines etc. | |
ancient | prehistoric | |
angling | a method of fishing with the use of a fishing rod | |
appliance | equipment | |
application form | a kind of document providing information about you or your company | |
apply for a visa | to present all your documents to obtain sth | |
archeological site | a place of historical interest, telling us about the past | |
architectural monument | a building or an installation of historical interests, constructed in the past | |
arrange | organise | |
arrangements | preparations | |
arrival | disembarkation | |
arrive | disembark, come | |
ATM/cash dispenser | the machine for withdrawing money | |
available (for 24 h) | accessible | |
backpack | rucksack | |
baggage allowance | limit on luggage you can take without extra fee | |
baggage reclaim | place where you can take your suitcases after a journey/flight | |
baggage tags/checks | stickers or any other tags for baggage identification | |
baggage | luggage, your belongings taken with you for a trip/journey etc. | |
bargain | an occasion to buy something for a very good price | |
bay | a gulf | |
be allergic to sth | develop a strong reaction to | |
be in charge of sth | be responsible for | |
be responsible for sth | be in charge of sth | |
beauty treatment | enhancement of sb's personal appearance | |
bed and breakfast (b&b) | a guest house where accommodation is provided with breakfasts only | |
beef | meat obtained from cows | |
birdwatching | a hobby of watching birds and their behaviour | |
block booking | group reservation | |
boarding card/pass | a document stating all the details of your flight/cruise | |
bucket shop | dealers who sell cheap, discounted tickets | |
camper | a tourist who goes camping | |
camper van/caravan | a car equipped with beds & other facilities to provide accommodation for travellers who drive it | |
campsite | the place where you can set up a tent | |
cancel (a reservation) | resign from | |
capital city | the most important city of the country in terms of state administration | |
car ferry | vessel constructed for the transportation of vehicles | |
car park/parking lot | place where you can leave your vehicle | |
carbohydrates | substances mainly found in cereals, bread and pasta | |
cater | serve | |
catering | providing food | |
chalet | a house with a steep sloping roof, common in places with high mountains and snow | |