wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
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T&R part 1
autor: cafelatte
dodaj do moich zestawów
aislepassage between the rows of chairs/seats, etc
access (to the Internet/fresh water)connection, addmittance
accommodatehold, take in, contain
accommodationplace to stay
additionaladded, further, suplementary
admittanceentrance, access
adjoining roomsadjacent, contiguous, neighbouring
agriculturalpertaining to land cultivation
air-conditioned coacha bus, a vehicle for long-distance travelling, in which the temperature can be regulated
airportan aerodrome with all the facilities for flights to take off and land
aisle/window seatthe place for passengers to sit during the travel
allocation (of rooms/seats)the assignment of rooms to guests in a hotel, hostel etc.
amenitiesthings that make a place comfortable or easy to live in
amusement arcadea venue where people play games, such as video games, pinball machines etc.
anglinga method of fishing with the use of a fishing rod
application forma kind of document providing information about you or your company
apply for a visato present all your documents to obtain sth
archeological sitea place of historical interest, telling us about the past
architectural monumenta building or an installation of historical interests, constructed in the past
arrivedisembark, come
ATM/cash dispenserthe machine for withdrawing money
available (for 24 h)accessible
baggage allowancelimit on luggage you can take without extra fee
baggage reclaimplace where you can take your suitcases after a journey/flight
baggage tags/checksstickers or any other tags for baggage identification
baggageluggage, your belongings taken with you for a trip/journey etc.
bargainan occasion to buy something for a very good price
baya gulf
be allergic to sthdevelop a strong reaction to
be in charge of sthbe responsible for
be responsible for sthbe in charge of sth
beauty treatmentenhancement of sb's personal appearance
bed and breakfast (b&b)a guest house where accommodation is provided with breakfasts only
beefmeat obtained from cows
birdwatchinga hobby of watching birds and their behaviour
block bookinggroup reservation
boarding card/passa document stating all the details of your flight/cruise
bucket shopdealers who sell cheap, discounted tickets
campera tourist who goes camping
camper van/caravana car equipped with beds & other facilities to provide accommodation for travellers who drive it
campsitethe place where you can set up a tent
cancel (a reservation)resign from
capital citythe most important city of the country in terms of state administration
car ferryvessel constructed for the transportation of vehicles
car park/parking lotplace where you can leave your vehicle
carbohydratessubstances mainly found in cereals, bread and pasta
cateringproviding food
chaleta house with a steep sloping roof, common in places with high mountains and snow
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