fritter sth away/spend/squander | trwonić coś .../.../... |
resolve/solve | rozwiązać .../... |
run up | wybiegać (na wyższy poziom), do more than you are allowed to |
fraudulent/deceitful/tricky | nieuczciwy, oszukańczy .../.../... |
instantaneous/immediate | natychmiastowy |
to take sth for granted | is to believe that sth is for sure - brać coś za pewnik |
withdraw | is to take money from the account or ATM - wybierać pieniądze |
ATM/cash machine/cash dispenser/cash point | bankomat |
bank balance | is the amount of money that you have on your bank account - stan konta |
spend money on | wydawać pieniądze na |
save up | is the opposite to spend - zaoszczędzić pieniądze |
credit card | karta debetowa |
debit card | karta debetowa |
payment card | a card with we get from the bank as an addition to our bank account - karta płatnicza |
issuer | emitent - a company that provides sb with sth |
incentive | something that makes you want to do something - bodziec motywacja |
incentive payment | premia motywacyjna |
financial incentive | bodziec finansowy |
currency exchange | wymiana walut |
cardholder | is a person who owns a card - posiadacz karty |
record | information about sth that has happened - zapis |
purchase | buy - kupować , nabywać, nabytek, zakup |
cumbersome | troublesome, awkward - nieporęczne |
cautiously | is the synonym for carefully - ostrożnie |
exceed | to go above some limit - przekroczyć |
costly | something expensive, pricy - kosztowny |
interest rate | the percentage that a bank charges or pays you from money - stopa procentowa |
compel | force sb to do sth - zmusić |
shoulder the responsibility | to deal with sth difficult - wziąć odpowiedzialność na swoje barki |
bear the responsibility | to be responsible for sth - ponosić odpowiedzialność |
be strapped out for cash | is to feel the lack of cash - odczuwać brak gotówki |
inflict punishment | mete out punishment - wymierzyć karę |
be burdened with debt | have the responsitility of paying the debt - być obarczonym długiem |
cancel a debt | nullify a debt |
incur the debt | rent money from bank - zaciągnąć dług |
settle a debt | to repay a debt - uregulować dług |