wordki.pl - nauka słówek
2019-03-25 lesson 19
autor: ljasinski
excessa larger amount of something that is necessary - nadmiar, nadwyżka, przesada
excessivemeans much more than it is necessary - nadmierny, przesadny
reasonabledone in a sensible way - odpowiedni, rozsądny
intakethe amount of sth we aet or drink - spożycie, zużycie
the nervous systemthe system that receives and sends signal that control our body - system nerwowy
consumptionthe proces of eating or drinking sth - konsumpcja
anxietya feeling of being worried because of sth that might happen - niepokój, obawa, lęk
psychologicallypsychologicznie, psychicznie
decaffeinated/decafcontaining no caffeine - bezkofeinowy .../...
remedya synonymous to medicine, cure, drug - lekarstwo
cold remedythe medicine which treats cold - lekarstwo na przeziębienie
indigestionthe problem of digesting - niestrawność