wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: artur6565
maladroitnot adroit, not skillful, akward, clumsy
maladya bad condition, disease
malaisea vague feeling of illness or depression
malapropismnot appropriate,ludicrous misuse of a word that sounds somewhat like the word intended
malariaa disease once thought to be caused by bad air from the swamps
malcontentone who is badly contented, discontended or rebellious person
maledictioncurse(opp of benediction)
malevolentwishing evil towards others
malefeasancewrongdoing,especially by a public official
maliceactive bad feeling or ill will
maliciousintentionally bad or harmful
malignto speak evil of, to slander
malignantbad or harmful, likely to cause death
malingerto pretend to be in bad health to get out of work