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T&R part 2
autor: cafelatte
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CHARTERa contract of commercial leasing of a vessel or plane
CHECK-INreporting that you have arrived at a hotel
CHECK-0UTreporting that you are leaving the hotel
CHECK-IN DESKthe point where you report your presence at the airport, leave baggage and get your ticket checked
CITY MAPa detailed plan of a city
COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVERoptional insurance coverage available when you rent a car
COMPARTMENTseparate area in the train carriage
COMPENSATIONcoverage, indemnity, reparation
COMPLAINprotest, object
COMPLAINTprotest, criticism
COMPLIMENTARYfree of charge
CONFIRM ( THE DETAILS)approve, accept
CONFIRMATIONapproval, authorisation, acceptance
CONTACTto get in touch
CONVEYOR BELTbaggage carousel, an automatic system which transmits bags from plane to baggage reclaim area
countrysideareas outside cities and towns
crewa team of people on board who are responsible for the vessel/ plane
cross the borderget from one country to another, across the borderlines
crossroadintersection (AmE), a point where two or more roads are intersected
cruisesea journey
cuisine the way of cooking dishes in particular regions or countries
currencymoney used in a particular country
customsa set of generally accepted standards or conventions
customs clearanceprocedures pertaining to operations connected with official permits to pass the border
customs dutiestariffs imposed on certain goods and collected during they cross the borders of the country
customs officeran officer responsible for any customs clearance procedures
cyclingriding a bicycle
cycling routesbicycle trails and lanes
dairy productsproduced from milk, eggs
damagepartial destruction or devastation
danger peril, risk, jeopardy
dangerousperilous, risky, hazardous
declareofficially state or announce
delay postponement, setback
delayedpostponed, late
depart go, leave
departure leaving
departure lounge the area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft
detailed map/planvery accurate and precise image of a location
destinationthe place where your journey ends
directionthe position in which someone/something moves or faces
disabledpeople with impaired physical condition or other health limitations
disembark get out of a train, plane etc.
dishsome food prepared in a certain way for eating
doublefor two or for a couple
draglifta kind of lift for skiers
driving licencea document giving you the right to drive a vehicle
duty-free shops with prices reduced by the customs duty amount
efficientsatisfying, smooth, effective
embarkget on a train, plane etc.
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