MAGNIFYING GLASS | a round piece of glass with a handle, used to make objects or print look bigger | |
MAJOR | having very serious or worrying results | |
MALTREAT | to treat a person or animal cruelly | |
MANSLAUGHTER | the crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately | |
MARTIAL LAW | situation when army controls an area instead of the police (there are fights against the government | |
PREVENTIVE MEASURES | things done to prevent potential problems | |
MISCONDUCT | bad or dishonest behavior by someone in a position of authority or trust | |
MUG | attack someone and rob them in a public place | |
MUGGER | a person who attacks someone and robs them in a public place | |
MUGGING | attacking someone and robbing them in a public place | |
MURDER | kill someone deliberately and illegally | |
MURDERER | a person who kills someone deliberately and illegally | |
NATIONAL | relating to one particular nation as opposed to other nations | |
NATURALIZATION | becoming a citizen of a particular country when someone was born outside this country | |
NATIONALITY | the status of belonging to a particular nation | |
OATH | formal and serious promise | |
OBEY THE LAW | do what a law or someone in authority says you must do | |
OBEY | comply with the command, direction, or request | |
OFFENCE | an illegal action or crime | |
OFFENDER | someone who commits a crime or an illegal action | |
ORIGIN | the country, race or type of family which someone comes from | |
PARDON | official order allowing someone who has been found guilty of a crime to go free without punishment | |
PAROLE | permission for someone to leave prison on condition that they promise to behave well | |
PENALTY | a punishment for breaking a law, rule or legal agreement | |
PERJURY | the crime of telling a lie after promising to tell the truth in a court of law | |
PERMISSION | when someone is officially allowed to do something | |
PERMIT | an official document giving someone authorization to do something | |
PERSECUTOR | someone who treats another person cruelly or unfairly, esp. cause of their religious/political views | |
PERSECUTION | cruel or unfair treatment of someone over a period of time, especially because of their beliefs | |
PICKPOCKET | someone who steals things from people's pockets, especially in a crowd | |
PICKPOCKETING | stealing things from people's pockets, especially in a crowd | |
PILFER | to steal in small quantities and often again and again | |
PILFERING | stealing things that are not worth much, especially from the place where you work | |
PLOT | a secret plan to accomplish a hostile or illegal purpose | |
PLOTTER | someone who makes a secret plan to harm a person or organization, esp. a political leader | |
POACHER | someone who illegally catches or shoots animals, birds or fish, esp. on private land without permit | |
PRECAUTIONS | something you do in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening | |
TAKE PRECAUTIONS | avoid risk and use special means to prevent danger | |
PREVENTION | when something bad is stopped from happening | |
PREVENTIVE ARREST | detention of a defendant awaiting trial for the purpose of preventing further misconduct | |
PROBATION | a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison if they see a probation officer regularly | |
PUT ON PROBATION | watch for a period of time during which one must behave well in order not to be seriously punished | |
PROHIBIT | to say that an action is illegal or not allowed / BAN / FORBID | |
PROHIBITION | the act of saying that something is illegal | |
PROOF | facts, information, documents etc that prove that something is true | |