emergency | urgent situation | |
en-suite | with an adjoining bathroom | |
entertainment | amusement | |
equipment | gear | |
elevator | lift | |
escalator | moving stairs | |
excess (baggage) | the part of your baggage which exceeds the allowed weight limits | |
exchange office | business where people can buy and sell currencies | |
excursion | trip | |
exhibition | organised presentation of selected items | |
expenditures | costs, expenses | |
expire | lose validity | |
expiry date | the day after which the food should not be eaten, documents lose their validity, etc. | |
extension | additional bed | |
facility | any kind of device or equipment that might be useful for business | |
famous | well-known and widely recognised | |
fare | amount of money charged for transportation | |
fee | a charge you have to pay to enter | |
fibre | indigestible portion of food derived from plants | |
(fire) extinguisher | active fire protection device | |
fish (dish) | dish prepared from fish flesh | |
flexible | elastic, adaptable | |
flexibility | elasticity, adaptability | |
fly drive (transportation, holiday) | with the use of combined modes of transport | |
forbid / forbade / forbidden | not to allow, prohibit | |
foreign | from abroad, strange | |
foreigner | a person from abroad, stranger | |
free admission | free entrance | |
free of charge | for free | |
front of house staff | employees who have direct contact with customers | |
back of house staff | employees who don't have direct contact with customers | |
full board | a place to stay and meals | |
gear | equipment, things that are necessary for you | |
detailed information | all the tiniest pieces of information useful for you | |
genuine | real, true, natural | |
glaciers | persistent formations of dense ice | |
go / walk along | follow the street, whether it leads you straight ahead or turns left or right | |
go Dutch | the way you pay your bill at a pub or a restaurant while in company of other people | |
go on a diet | follow special restrictions concerning food you eat | |
go straight | follow your direction along your way, without any turns | |
go through customs clearance | go through the procedures pertaining to customs,declaring things you are carrying across the border | |
groceries | products that you need to buy every day | |
guesthouse | a lodging house offering accommodation for tourist | |
guidebooks | books with descriptions of places and information useful for tourists | |
guided tour | a tour with a guide | |
gulf | a bay | |
half- board | accommodation with only one meal provided | |
hand luggage | baggage that you take with you on board | |
handle problems | deal with problems | |
get some rest | relax | |
hazard | danger, risk | |
hazardous | dangerous, risky | |
health condition | health limitations | |
heritage | legacy | |
high season | the time of year when most tourists come to a certain place | |
hiking | walking, marching and exploring, often with backpacks and tents | |