wordki.pl - nauka słówek
economies of scale:reducing costs
buffer stock:fluctuations in demand
factory gate pricing:transport costs
supply chain:the close co-operation
tender:an offer for goods or services
lead time is the time:it takes to produce..
procurement is:the purchasing of goods..
A retailer is a business:that buys products from..
customer order cycle time is the time:customers are prepared to..
A wholesaler is:an intermediary..
JIT - just in time is a concept:of reducing inventories..
stockorder at what...level.
lead timesoperational costs and to shorten product..
replenishmentthat means continuous..
processingmoreover, errors in order..
generatedwith the new system all orders are..
data interchangeto the warehouse by electronic..
pointinformation at the...of sale..
scheduleoutlets according to a..
inventoryYoung Fashion..
retailerRussian clothes..
3PL providerswith the appointed..
procurementliaising with the...team.
vendors...and related stakeholders..
multimodalcarriage of goods by at least..
piggybackcombines road and rail transport.
intermodalgoods are transported in the same leading..
unaccompaniesthe driver does not stay..
black traina single shipper use a whole train..
single-wagontrain is formed out of individual..