feat | osiągnięcie, wyczyn (fit) | |
to ponder | głowić się, koncypować | |
to peer | to look carefully or with difficulty | |
peer | rówieśnik | |
to echo | rozbrzmiewać echem (eko)/ powtarzać (być podobnym do czegoś) | |
fanciful | fantazyjny, wymyślny, urojony | |
to vivify | to make more living or interesting (wiwifaj) | |
godly | ponożny, boży | |
mundane | very ordinary and therefore not interesting | |
to teem with | to contain large numbers of animals or people | |
to drench with | to make someone or something extremely wet | |
to saturate | to make someone or something completely wet, or to make a place completely full of sth | |
damp | slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable | |
moist | slightly wet, especially in a good way | |
to soak | to make sth very wet, or of a liquid to he absorbed | |
drop sb a line | to write someone a letter, aspecially a short informal one | |
to drop sb a hint | to tell someone something in a way that is not direct | |
to grasp | to quickly take sth in ypur hands and hold it firmly | |
to grasp | to understand sth, especially something difficult | |
innards | wnętrzności | |
to house | to give a person or animal a place to live, or to provide a space for sth | |
to gaze | to look at sth or someone for a long time, especially in suprise or admiration | |
gaze | a long look, especially of a particular kind | |
to array | to arrange a group of things in a particular way | |
array | a large group of things or people positioned in a particular way (GAMA) | |
fiber | włókno, błonnik | |
humbling | upokarzający, poniżający | |
mosaic | mozaiczny \ mozaika | |
quilt | kołdra (kłylt) | |
to abut | (abat) przylegać do, stykać się z \ graniczyć z | |
cutout | a shape that has been cut out from sth, especially a flat one that can stand vertically | |
merchandise | goods that are bought and sold (product) | |