to brim with sth | to become full of something, especially a liquid | |
brim | the very top edge of sth | |
to struggle | to make a very great effort in order to do sth | |
to struggle | to move somewhere with great effort | |
to sign a deal | podpisać umowę | |
petulant | easily annoyed and complaining in a rude way like a child | |
obstinacy | the quality of being unreasonably determined, to not to change at all, despite what anyone else says | |
to retain | to keep or continue to have sth | |
dignity | calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you | |
malady | disease; a problem with a system or organization | |
to stammer | to speak or say sth with unusual pauses or repeated sounds, either because of speech problems or ner | |
delusion | belief in sth that is not true | |
to soothe | to make someone feel calm or less worried or make a part of the body less painful | |
salve | maść \ sth that makes you feel better about a difficult situation | |
to embolden | to make someone brave | |
validation | the act or process of making sth officially or legally acceptable or approved | |
validation | akceptacja \ proof that sth is correct | |
swagger | a way of walking or behaving that shows you are confident | |
to swagger | to walk or behave in a way that shiws that you are very confident and think that you are important | |
to stumble | natknąć się / potknąć się | |
awkward | difficult to use, do, or deal correctly (okłerd) | |
awkward | causing problems, worry, or embarrassment | |
naivete | naiwność (naiwetej) | |
to lose touch with sth | to no longer have recent knowledge of sth or someone, so that you dont understand that thing well | |
to dare | to be brave enough to do sth difficult or dangerous (dee) | |
to confuse | to mix up someone's mind or ideas, or to make difficult to understand | |
to confuse sb with sb | pomylić kogoś z kimś | |
potent | very powerful, forceful, or effective | |
poisonous | very harmful and able to cause illness or death (pojzenes) | |
tide | pływ, fala, rozwój sytuacji | |
to stem from sth | to start or develop as the result of sth (stem) | |
charm | czar, urok, wdzięk \ zaklęcie, urok \ talizman, amulet | |
luscious | pyszny, ponętny, pociągający (laszys) | |
peony | piwonia (pjoni) | |