wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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T&R part 6
autor: cafelatte
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singlefor one person
skipass a ticket of pass authorising its holder to ski in a certain place of resort
souvenirkeepsake, a token of remembrance
spare partadditional, that can replace a broken one
spectacularbeautiful, picturesque
staff employees, personnel
stall a stand
stopovera short break in a journey
street traders people selling goods in the streets
strict wildlife sanctuary nature reserve protected by national law regulations
suitcases containers for the belongings taken by their owner on a journey
sunblock the substance that protects your skin from sunburns
surroundingsenvironment, scenery
survival continuing to live and exist
sustainablecausing little or no harm to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long
sustainabilitythe idea that production of goods/services doesn't use up irreplaceable resources/damage environment
swimming poola facility filled with water for swimming
tailor-made holidaysholidays arranged precisely according to the customer's wishes
T-bar lift a mechanised system for pulling skiers and snowboarders uphill, along the surface of the slope
tenta portable shelter made of cloth
(tent) footprinta groundsheet
theme parksamusement parks with a specific theme in their architecture and attractions
timetablea schedule showing at which time trains/planes etc arrive and depart
tip /gratuitypayment of some extra money for good service
T-junctiona T-shaped intersection
top up your calling creditkeep your phone operational
torch a battery-operated device providing light, AmE flashlight
tour guideperson providing information & interpretation of cultural, historical & contemporary heritage
tour operators also called tour companies, tour packagers, tour brokers, or wholesalers
train a form of rail transport
travel and tourism fairan organised event where people from hospitality industry may offer their services
travel cardspecial ticket
trekking hiking
turn left / rightchange your direction
twin-bedded room with two separate beds
unattendedleft without supervision
underchargetake too little money for the services or goods
underground passagetunnel
urban pertaining to cities, of residential and industrial character
urgentimportant, that cannot be delayed
veal meat obtained from calves
vegetablesparts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food
vegetarianwithout meat
venueplace, location
villagesmall town
water slidea construction half-filled with water, with slippery surface for going down to the swimming pool
waterproofmade of material that resists water leaks
well-establishedrenowned, well-known and recognised
wildlife nature, wild animals
youth hostela supervised, inexpensive lodging place for young travellers
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