wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Outside the house
autor: dom2
conservatory - Our conservatory in the garden is full of plants.cieplarnia, oranżeria
double garage - How much does it cost to build a double garage?garaż na dwa samochody
driveway - I was backing out of the driveway into the garage.podjazd
facade - The facade is 16th century, but the interior is much older.fasada
garden chair - Why garden chair is in the living room?krzesło ogrodowe
gravel - The gravel crunched under our feet, so we had to stop.żwir
hedge - She planted a hedge around her house.żywopłot
lawn - He stepped out onto the lawn.trawnik
letter box - a metal container in the street or other public place.skrzynka na listy
patio furniture - She has very comfortable patio furniture in the backyard.meble ogrodowe
plot of land -We bought a large plot of land in order to build our house on it.działka
porch - We ate dinner on the porch, listening to country music.ganek
roof tile - There are many types of roofing tile to fit a variety of projectsdachówka
sprinkler - Turn the sprinkler on before going out; the grass looks really dry.zraszacz
street lamp - The street lamp went out 5 minutes ago.latarnia
railing - This railing is too high to jump over it.płot (z prętów), balustrada, ogrodzenie
shutter - Go to the kitchen and close all shutters.okiennica
skylight - My parents want to build a skylight after a new year.świetlik (okno w dachu)