wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Wsb powtórzenie
autor: Trip1234
Left without supervisionUnattended
Pertaining to cities of residential and industrial characterUrban
UrgentImportant that cannot be delayed
VealMeat obtained firm calves
VenuePlace location
Well-estabilishedRenowned,well-known and recognised
WildlifeNature, wild animals
Youth hostelA supervised, inexpensive lodging place for young travellers
AccommodationPlace to stay
AddmittanceEntrance, access
Adjoining roomsAdjacent, contiguous, neighbouring
Air-conditionedA bus,a vehicle for long- distance travelling, in which the temperature can be regulated
AirportAn aerodrome with all facilities for flights to take off and land
Aisle/window seatThe place for passenger to sit during the travel
AnglingA method of fishing
Apply for a visaTo present all your documents to obtain sth
ATM/ cash diapenserCash machine for withdrawing money
Baggage allowanceBaggage limit
Place where you can take your baggage after a journey/flightBaggage reclaim
BargainAn occasion to buy something for a very good price
Boarding card/ passA document starting all the details of your flight/cruise
Cancel a reservationResign form
Check outReports that you are leaving the hotel
Chceck inreporting that you have arrived at a hotel an air port
ComplimentaryFree of charge
Conveyor beltBaggage carousel
Cross the borderCrossimg the border
CuisineThe way of cooking dishes in particular regions or countries
CurrencyMoney used in a particular country
Customs dutyTariffs imposed on certain goods and collected during they cross the borders of the country
Customs officerAn officer responsible for any customs clearance procedures
DeclareOfficially state announce
DelayPostponement, setback
Departure loungeThe area in an airport where passengers wait before getting onto an aircraft
DestinationThe place where your journey ends
DisembarkGet out of a train, plane
Driving licenceA document giving you the right to drive a vehicle
EmbarkGet on a train, plane
En-suite roomWith an adjoining bathroom
EscalatorMoving strairs
Excesse baggageThe part of your baggage which exceeds the allowed weight limits
ExpendituresCosts, expenses
ExpireLose validity
FacilitiesAny kind of device or equipment that might be useful for business
FareAmount of money charged for transportation
FeeA charge you have to pay to enter
Front/back of house staffEmployees who have direct contact with customers
GearEquipment things that are necessary for you
Go DutchThe way you pay ypur bill at a pub or a restaurant while in company of other people
Go through customs clearanceGo through all the procedures partaining to customs declaring things you are carrying
GroceriesProducts that you need to buy every day
GulfA bay
Hand baggageBaggage that you take with you on board
HazardDanger, risk
Hospitality industryIndustry providing hotel services
IDAny document that proves your idenity
Incentive travelMotivation, encouragement
InvoiceIssue a bill
InnAusberge tavern
ItineraryA detailed plan/route for the journey/trip
Jet lagTemporary disruption of your biological rhythm after a fast long journey through several time zones
LandmarkPlaces, objects or installations characteristic for a particular location
Medium/harsh climateModerate weather conditions
Negotiate the priceTo haggle
Non-refundable ticketThat cannot be refunded in case you want to cancel your trip
One-way ticketA ticket that allows you to go only to your destination point without return
Open jaw ticketA ticket that allows you to go to your destination point and to return from another place
Package holidaysHolidays entirely organised by a travel agency
PassportA document required to travel abroad by most countries
PicturesqueBeautifull and pleasant to look at
PisteA route for skiers
PostponeTo put off for later
PotholingCave exploration
Provide sb with sthGive,offer,supply
PurchaseTo buy
Rappeling/abselingThe practice of descending steep slopes using ropes
RecommendSpread good opinion about sth,praise
RequirementsDemand needs
ResortA place attractive for tourists
Return ticketA ticket which allows you to go to your destination and back to the starting point
RuralOutside the city, relating to the country
Security checkA process of checking if a person is not armed or carrying some dangerous objects
Self-catering accommodationA place to stay where you have too cook for yourself
Set up a tentAssemble and install
Short/long haulLong journey
SightseeingVisiting other places
SouvenirKeepsake a token of rememberance
SpectacularBeautiful, picturesque
StaffEmployesss, personnel
StallA stand
Tent footprintA groundsheet
Tour quideA person providing assistance, information and interpretation of cultural, histiorical and ...