inch | cal |
foot | stopa |
yard | jard |
laud mile | mila |
nautical mile | mila morska |
aunce | uncja |
pound | funt |
stone | kamień |
short ton | tona brytyjska |
How many metres | Ile metrów |
Several metres | Kilka metrów |
How far is the railway station from here? | W jakiej odległosci znajduje sie dworzec kolejowy? |
How far is the taxi rank from here? | Jak daleko stąd znajduje sie postój taksówek? |
Around 20 metres from here | Około 20 metrów stąd |
square centimetre | cm2 |
square metre | m2 |
Hectare | Hektar |
square inch | cal2 |
square foot | stopa2 |
square yard | jard2 |
How many square meters has this room got? | Ile m2 ma ten pokój? |
mililitre | ml |
litre | litr |
half of litre | pół litra |
how many litres? | ile litrów? |
What a capacity of this galss? | Jaka jest pojemnosc tej szklanki? |
How much does it weigh | Ile to waży? |
Could you weigh this for me? | Czy moze mi pan to zważyć? |
How many kilogram? | ile kg? |
How many kilometers per hour | ile km/h |
How fast are we driving? | Jak szybko jedziemy? |
What is the speed? | Jaką mamy predkosc |
One hundred kilometres per hour | 100km/h |
lenght | Długość |
width | szerokośc |
height | wysokość |
volume | objętosc |
foot | stopa |
feet | stopy |
depth | głebokosc |
frequency | czestotliwosc |
thickness | grubość |